XIII | Body Terror

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(A/n: I never mentioned it before but I thought I would now because it's important. I'm writing Y/n as a person with a flat chest (no titties what so ever) but with a... pű§§ý. Thought it'd be easier so they aren't too fem or masc, im trying to make this as readable for anyone as possible :))



"I can't keep going like this."

"You can, and you will! Do I make myself clear soilder?!"

You pant, catching your breath, "Yes sir."

You stand up and flick out your knife, the next one coming in.

"She's just a little girl."

"You'll get used to it. She is."

"I can't kill a child."

"It's either her, or you."

The girl looked at you with a stair, you looked back into her eyes and saw nothing, the only thing in her head was blood and survival, unlike the butterflys and ponys that should've been.


The little girl ran towards you with a knife in hand and you kneeled down, grabbing her small figure and wrist.

Taking her knife away you stabed her with yours, tears flooded your eyes.

"Dein Kampf ist vorbei, Junge. Bitte verzeih mir."
(Your fight is over, young one. I'm sorry.)

You placed her down peacefully.

"Danke."  She smiled, a tear running down her small cheek.
(Thank you.)

You sobbed as you felt her heart beat fade.

"Well done, no hesitation. You'll come along quicker than I thought, Soilder."

"I want more tests done." You where some place else now, strapped down to a table. "They need to be the most deadly weapon!"

"300, 400, 500, 600, the numbers go up and up don't they?"

Tears flooded your eyes. "You killed them all! You monster!"

"I'm sorry. I have no other choice." You wipe a tear and reload your gun.

"What are going to do..."

"I wish I could stop."

"But you can."

"You don't know what it's like. I'm sorry."

That. Fucking. Smirk. Bucky Barnes X Reader Where stories live. Discover now