Meanwhile... back in the city of New York, a cat was walking around the frosty streets where Gregory's home sat. The cat was just licking its cold paw before suddenly someone with a motorcycle ran over the poor cat, flattening its feeble torso and killing it instantaneously. The one behind this was Loona, and she got off her motorcycle and soon began walking up to the front door of the house.

She soon kicked it open and looked around the house, not having see through vision like Roxy, she flipped over every single piece of furniture that they could hide under. She even looked in the kitchen cabinets, dumping out all the contents too, Loona was trashing the house to look for her prey. She soon went upstairs, and entered Gregory's room and began investigating every little bit of the room, trying to get a clue on where to find Gregory. Suddenly, she soon heard a ringer go off downstairs and she went to go investigate it, but it was a phone.

Loona soon looked outside while a message played, "Hi Axel, its me, Vicky. I saw on the news about your son, Gregory, getting in a high speed chase!" Loona turned around and listened to the rest of the message. "Im not sure what's going on, we haven't seen each other in years so I was hoping you'd come see me. Given that your son seems to be getting chased... and may be getting hunted... you guys can crash at my place for as long as you need to. Call me back when you get this message!" Aunt Vicky said before the message ended.

Loona soon sat down next to the phone, picked it up and soon called Vicky back. "Axel?"

"Hi, Vicky. Its me, Axel. How are you?" Loona said in Axel's voice, this was because of her advanced voice box.

"Im good, Axel! How is Gregory? Is he okay?"

"Gregory is fine, Vicky, Gregory is just fine" Loona said, figuring out Gregory might be with Axel and Roxy and are heading to Vicky's house.

"Oh, good! Can I speak to him? It's been years since I spoke to him" Vicky said. "Gregory is sleeping, right now. Say, I don't have your address saved, can you give me your address?" Loona said.

Vicky soon gave Loona her address, and when Loona got it saved in her files, she thanked her and hung up. Loona soon went outside, got back up on her bike, and began speeding off.


They were about 4 hours into the drive and the effects of driving exhaustion were hitting Gregory and Axel

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They were about 4 hours into the drive and the effects of driving exhaustion were hitting Gregory and Axel. At least it was warmer out at -9°C (15.8°F), but they were once again out in the middle no nowhere.

"Hey, you guys okay? You've been quiet" Roxy said, "We're just tired..." Axel said, Gregory nodded, indicating he to was exhausted. Roxy soon said, "Want me to pull over so you guys can stretch and get some fresh air and stretch your legs?"

Both nodded, and Roxy soon pulled over on the side of the road. Gregory opened the car door and looked up at the sky which had a few clouds, and Axel just sat on the hood of the car and looked at the landscape. Roxy soon sat next to Gregory and said, "You okay?"

"...Why can't we stay in the city? It's where I spent my whole life" Gregory said.

Roxy soon placed an arm around Gregory and said "I know you like it there, but im not sure if we'll ever be safe there again"

"Yeah..." Gregory said, clearly sad that he has to move away from the place where he spent his life. Roxy soon patted him on the back and said "I know how you feel. I kinda miss living in the Pizzaplex, but now, look at me. I know you can try to adapt as well" Roxy said.

"Yeah... How about we get back on the road now?" Gregory said, Roxy nodded and then everyone got back on the road and began driving off. Unknowingly to them, Loona was biking down the road on her motor cycle. She was on a different route, but this route was about 25 minutes longer than the route Gregory was taking. She was still ways behind them.


Hours upon hours later, and the trio had crossed through 3 states and are now in Illinois, but the drive was getting exhausting

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Hours upon hours later, and the trio had crossed through 3 states and are now in Illinois, but the drive was getting exhausting. Not only had they traveled over 900 miles, they crossed through several different time zones and were experiencing slight time dilation and it got dark quicker than Axel and Gregory had expected, the sun was already setting over the horizon and they had probably an hour of light left.

Roxy soon stopped the car and said "How much farther is Normal?"

"About 3 hours" Axel said, "We should stop here. Its getting dark and the road is getting too snowy, I won't be able to see the road"

"...Alright, pull over in some forest, we don't wanna pull up traffic" Axel said, Roxy soon turned the car off-road and into an area with trees, and pulled the car up in a clearing.

Axel soon got out and it was a bone chilling -22°C (-7.6°F), so he knew they needed a fire if they wished to keep warm. He got out the fireplace and soon said "We need wood!"

Gregory got out a flashlight and picked up some twigs, but he soon heard loud cracking noises and saw Roxy grabbing a small tree and soon tearing it down! "Uhh... We need logs, not a whole tree" Gregory said, Roxy soon picked up the tree, carried it on her shoulder and said "The more, the better" as she laid the tree down and used her claws to rip out chunks off the tree and put them in the fire pit, where Axel soon lit up the wood. The fire began going pretty well, it stayed lit and was quite warm.

"Would you look at that, son" Axel said, and Gregory looked up at the night sky and saw a beauty in the night sky

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"Would you look at that, son" Axel said, and Gregory looked up at the night sky and saw a beauty in the night sky. "Woah..." Gregory said in awe, and Roxy soon looked up at the sky and saw what the others were seeing.

"What is that?" Roxy said, "That, my friend, is the Milky May. That is our galaxy, and all those dots we see flicker are stars- oh look! There's Jupiter!" Gregory said, seeing Jupiter in the night sky, a star among many. Axel could also see Venus and Mars in the night sky as well.

Axel soon sat down next to Gregory, and said "What do you think son?"

"Its just so... beautiful. So many stars... so clear... so big..." Gregory said, in a daze. Gregory soon shivered, and Axel soon wrapped them both in a sleeping bag. Roxy soon saw this, and she joined in, wrapping her arm around both and pulling them in while resting her head on Gregory while they looked up at the night sky. Listening to the crackling of the fire, and the sounds of the animals in the cold woods, a few crickets ate heard chirping, and owls can be heard hooting in the distance...

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