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Today was Monday, and Gregory was off to school and Roxy was forced to stay home while Axel went off to work. Roxy was home alone, and Axel trusted she wouldn't get into any trouble while her family was off going to school and working. Roxy had the housle to herself, and spent the morning looking outside the windows at what is going on in the morning. Roxanne soon wandered outside the house, and she still had her clothes from last night. She decided to explore around the neighborhood a bit.

Roxy walked around the neighborhood, sniffing out anything on interest. It wasn't long before she encountered some kids playing by one of the trailers of the trailer park, these kids were young, about half the age of Gregory, and they seemed to be playing cops and robbers. Roxy jumped onto the roof of a nearby trailer and watched the kids play, observing them with a slight head tilt.

The neighbors saw her but didn't mind her presence that much, they knew she hangs out with that Gregory kid and they heard about her "Advanced Learning" function was turned on, so it was obvious she'd be a curious wolf for a couple days. Roxy hasn't left the house while home alone before, not until now anyway, and it seemed her curious learning functions has lead her out of the house.


"Hey! You!" Someone called out to Roxy, her ears flicked and she turned to the direction of the speaker, who was a man likely in his late 30's. Roxy soon jumped down and walked over to the man.

"My son is having an electric guitar contest at my yard, and he's a big fan of you, he'd really like it if you were to join" He said, and Roxy imminently agreed to come and join. The man soon took Roxy to his car, a white windowless van.

"This is your car? Looks like something you'd use too-" Before Roxy could finish, the man pulled out some kind of electric shock device and stuck it into Roxy's back. The electrocution caused Roxy to twitch uncontrollably for several seconds before her systems crashed and she collapsed to the floor.

"Heheh... Stupid Machine" the man said, and two more guys came out of the van and carried Roxy inside the can. They soon tied her hands and legs together and chained her onto the wall of the inside of the van, and it began driving off.

"Call the boss, tell her we got Roxy and we're on our way" One of the men said as they continued driving down the road, for 5 damning minutes. Roxanne remained deactivated, but wasn't shut down completely, the electrocution was going through a system reboot.

She soon booted back online, and saw she was tied up and cuffed to the wall. "Whare am I?" Roxy asked. The men soon looked at her, "She's awake! Quick, Russel! Knock her out again" one of the men said. Roxy soon realized what was going on, she soon growled and bit at Russel who was trying to tase her again. Just as he was about to shock her, Roxy bit down on his wrist and her metal jaws calmed on like a bear trap. Russel started yelling in sharp, crushing pain as Roxy's jaws were powerful enough to slowly break the bones in his wrist.

"Gaah! Aaaah! Get her off me!" Russel yelled, the other guy began kicking Roxy in the face, a useless attempt though. Roxy soon busted her hands out of the restraints and punched the other guy in the knee, busting it and sending him to the floor wailing in agony. Roxy soon grabbed Russel and threw him through the back of the van, busting the doors open. Roxy soon freed her feet and stood up, and the driver soon turned around with a gun out and tried shooting Roxy in the face, but she dodged the bullet, rushed over and grabbed the driver, and in the ensuing struggle, the van crashed into a lamppost on the sidewalk, the impact sent Roxy flying through the windshield.

Roxy soon got up and saw the driver, injured from the crash and trying to escape. Roxy soon came over, grabbing the man, pulling him out of the van and throwing him to the ground. She soon pressed her foot on his chest, and soon said "Alright, what the hell were you guys doing? Trying to tale me away like a bunch of losers?"

The man groaned in pain, and soon just spat at Roxy. She soon lifted him up by the collar and drew her fist back, "You know im like a 1000x stronger than you, right? Which means I can rip your head off in seconds if you piss me off again, so start talking!"

"Fuck you, Fido!" The man said, and Roxy responded by punching the man right in the face. He hit the ground and spat out aton of blood and 6 of his teeth,  Roxy soon picked back up the man, and just before she could strike him again, Roxy heard a shout behind him.

"Hey Pooch!" Roxy turned around and soon saw the other guy holding a gun. He soon pulled the trigger and hit Roxy on the head! Roxy staggered backwards, almost falling over, and she was stunned for a few seconds before looking up at the man, growling with a bullet hole in between her eyes.

He tried shooting again, but the gun didn't fire. It was out of ammo, he tried reloading, but Roxy pounced onto him and pushed him to the ground. She pushed the gun out of his hands, and said "Nice try, but you'll have to do better than that!" She said, "Calm down there, puppy!"

Roxy looked and a cop was there, and Roxy soon let go of the man and allowed the cops to cuff him. They asked Roxy what happened and she explained everything that happened.


Later on in the day, Roxy was being repaired once again and Axel said "Im surprised your head didn't come off when you got shot, good thing though, would've been a shame if you got-"

"Dad, don't say it..." Gregory said, "Roxy, we are never leaving you home alone again!" Gregory said, "Yeah... I feel ya" Roxy said.

"Who were those guys anyway?" Roxy said, "They haven't found out yet, those guys won't talk"

"Hopefully they do, I really would like to know who there boss is so we can-" Gregory said, Axel placed a hand on Gregory's shoulder and told him to relax. He soon took a deep breath, and Axel soon said "Remember what tomorrow is?"

"I know! Man, sneaks up on me every time!" Gregory said, and Axel patted him on the head.


Later on in the night, in a base hidden in the forest, there was someone familiar looking at the full moon in the sky. "Boss" someone said, and the 'Boss' turned around to see a man looking at her. "We failed to capture Roxy, seems those robots are more powerful than we thought"

"Ugh! Whetever... our first attempt, should'a expected failure" She said. "It is best if we lay low, the police may be on to us"

"I see. Remember, we get that pile of scrap out of the way, we get that brat, revive him!" The women said, and soon the man left and another one came in.

"Boss, we just received word a new Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex is being built in a new location!"

The 'boss' smirked and said "Good..."

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