Happy Beginning

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I pulled out my phone my phone quickly and texted Phil, 'hey, so when exactly does that guest room offer begin? -Dan'

I didn't want to be rude, but I also didn't want to be at home. I didn't wait for answer. I got out my backpack and threw in a couple shirts, pants, underwear and a toothbrush and stuff. Good enough, for now.

My phone buzzed. I picked it up and it read, 'whenever you want it, Dan. You know you're always welcome here

I opened my window and crawled through. I climbed down to the ground. You'd think that climbing down from then second story, but I've done this so many times, I was a pro. I got to the ground with only a couple scratches from tree branches.

I started on my way to Phil's house.

Once there, I didn't even have to ring the doorbell. Phil swung the door open. He wore the biggest smile. I couldn't help but smile. Even though I felt pretty crappy, how could some one not automatically feel better with Phil smiling at them? His smile, his bright blue eyes, his light skin against his ebony hair, it could light up a room.

"Hey, Dan. We can go to my room and talk."

I nod and follow him up to his bedroom. I flop onto his bed, and he follows me. He sits next to where I lay, stroking my hair.

"So, what happened with your parents?"

"I don't know. Do you want to play sonic?"

I usually tell Phil everything, but to be honest I just didn't want to talk about it, or think about it for that matter.

I was just glad that it was a Friday, so no school tomorrow.

We played Sonic for a couple hours until my eyes burned. It was nice. I teased Phil a lot because he is really bad at the game. I'd playfully hit him, and he'd distract me talking about stupid insignificant things, and I'd hit him again.

"Phil! Shut up! You keep killing me!"

"It's not my fault! Let me try!"

"No, Phil, you'll use up all my lives!"

"Hey, Dan! Dan! Dan?"

"What?! Shit, Phil! You made me die, again!" I tackled him, so I was laying on top of him in his bed, pinning his hands above his head. I blushed, realizing the position I had just pushed us into, but I didn't get up. We laid there, staring into each other's eyes, silently, for eternity.

Eventually, he leaned up, connecting the space between us. Our lips met with a passionate, love filled, kiss. I swear, each kiss with Phil gets better and better... Our lips molded together perfectly, moving in each others rhythm.

I disconnected from the kiss, breathing heavily. "I love you, Phil."

"I love you, too, Dan."

We smiled at each other. Moments like these were worth all that crap with my parents.

Author's Note:

Okay, so this isn't too long, but it's what I had time to write. I know exactly how I want to end is, I just haven't had the time to write it yet, so it'll be up soon, hopefully.

And thanks for all the votes and amazing comments, you people make my life

Adios, phandom.

Oh and hope you had a nice Valentines Day (or a day like mine, eating a shit ton of chocolate and refreshing YouTube, hoping for Dan's new video)

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