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I was walking home. Phil wanted to come with me, but I told him no. I needed to do this on my own. I was going to ask my parents- no, scratch that, I was telling them that I was leaving them. I wasn’t going to be taking no for an answer. Sure, I’ll miss them, my mum especially, but I can’t leave Phil here. He is really my only concern currently.

They can live wherever they want, but I’m not going with them. I’m turning sixteen in just a couple months. I don’t need them.

I walked up to my door. I took a deep breath before walking through the door. Once I did, my mum came up almost instantaneously and brought me into a tight hug.

“Please, just listen to your father. This move will be good for us, I promise.” She had been crying. I could tell by the red, puffiness of her face. I wriggled my way out of the hug, and took a step away.

“You can move wherever you want. I’m going to stay with Phil,” I started up the stairs to my bedroom. “His mum offered me their guest room. I accepted.”

“Dan, no. You’re too young to move away from your parents. Please, no, I can’t lose my baby…”

I didn’t turn to look at her, mainly because I couldn’t stand to see her this upset and if I looked, I’d break down, too. “Mum, I’m sorry, but I’m doing this. This is happening. I’ve already made up my mind,” I say emotionlessly. I stopped at the top of the stairs, my back to her. “So when are you guys leaving?”

She didn’t answer at first, but then she sighed and said quietly, “two weeks. If you change your mind by then, you will be welcome to join us. Please, just think about it, for me?”

I nodded, and without a word, I entered my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I turn on some Muse, blasting it, isolating myself from the outside world. I lied down on my bed, face first. I screamed into my pillow.

This is my life now. I was in love, but it came with a price. Why it is that everything good comes with a price? Everything good that has ever happened to me has come with a negative consequence.

I thought about my dad. I always thought that he was okay with Phil. I thought that he had accepted me. I guess I was wrong. He was probably just holding in those insults because my mother asked him to.

I thought things were finally looking up. Maybe things would blow over once my parents leave. But in the end, I’d still lost lose parents.

I remembered when I was younger, my dad used to take me at the park every Saturday in the summer, whether it was sunny or rainy, to play football with me. When I was about thirteen and lost interest in sports is when my dad and I stopped being so close.

But that’s also when I got closer to my mum. She used to teach me how to bake things, and in return I’d help her with laundry. My dad used to tease that she was raising the “perfect daughter”. He had been joking, and he never did realize how deep those comments cut…

My thoughts were interrupted by my dad barging into my room.

“What did you do?!” he screamed.

My ears rang, but I answered quietly with, “Wha-what are you talking about?”

“Your mother is downstairs crying her eyes out because of you, you little piece of shit!”

“I-I didn’t mean to upset her…”

“What did you say to her?!”

“I-I um, I’m not moving.” I stood up straight, trying to look and sound more confident than I really am. “I’m going to stay with Phil. His mum offered me the guest room, and-and I’ve accepted it.”

“What?!” I was pretty sure that yell could be heard by the penguins in Antarctica.

“You don’t need me, and I can’t go with you.”

He didn’t answer me; he just stared into my soul. His silence honestly scared me more than his yelling. Then he did the most terrifying thing that he could’ve possibly done at that moment: he walked out of my room, and gently shut the door behind himself.

Author’s Note:

Yo, peeps. So, I don’t have much to say today. Um… Well, firstly, thanks for all the support and crap, LOVE YOU GUISE.

Secondly, I kind of expected this whole moving drama to be over and dealt with within like two chapters when I started it. Well, obviously, that is not the case, so bare with me, there will be a happy ending, I promise!!

My New Friend (a Phanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ