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I was at dinner with my parents. The food wasn’t terrific, so I was just kind of stirring it around my plate awkwardly. I was thinking about Phil. Phil’s eyes, Phil’s laugh, Phil’s smile, Phil’s hair, Phil’s body, Phil’s kiss; how is one human being so amazing?

My mum’s high pitched voice interrupted my thoughts. “Dan?” my mum said. I looked up. “Dan, your father and I have some news.”

“Okay?” I really had no idea what they’re going to say. It seemed important by the looks on their faces. My mum looked worried, and my dad looked completely serious.

My mum thought for a moment, it looked as though she was trying to choose her words carefully. Finally she spoke, “You trust us to know what’s best for you, right?”

I nod, “Yeah, I guess, I mean, you are my parents. Why?”

“Yes, well your father’s work is offering quite a large pay raise to move just six or seven hours from here.”

What? We can’t move! Not now…” my voice trailed off. I’m sure they understood what I was trying to say.

My dad spoke now, “Dan, with you starting uni in just a few years, we need all the money we can get. You will make new friends,” he stated emotionlessly.

“Dad, have ever realized that I have never had one friend in my life. And Phil is not just a friend that I can just replace…” The anger in my voice faded to sadness as I talk.

“Dan, you are making way too big a deal. You can and will make new friends. This whole Phil thing, well, I think some time away from him will be good for you,” he said hardheartedly.

I was on the verge of tears. These past few months have been the first time in my life that I have actually been happy. And now that was being ripped from my grasp. I needed to hold on to this. Leaving was not an option right now. I can’t just leave Phil! I couldn’t leave, not only for me, but for Phil. Everyday jocks would throw things at us, taunt us, and push us into lockers, call us names. Phil hated conflict enough to not retaliate. But some days it was worse than others, and I’d have to defend Phil. Not that I’m complaining, I love to be able to look out for him. But, if I’m gone, Phil would probably let them kill him, and he probably wouldn’t even resist.

“Dad, I’m not leaving,” I said in a lot more of a confident tone than I felt. I blinked back the tears because I really couldn’t afford to look weak right then.

“Was I asking? This is not your decision. Do you think that we love all of this? I’m just glad you’re leaving this school by choice, not being kicked out again. You’re such an embarrassment sometimes! Go to your room, and think about what an ungrateful little brat you’re being.” I glance at my mum, who was just sitting in her seat, staring at her plate.

I stood up out of my chair, but I didn’t leave. “No, dad, this is… No. I can’t just leave. Why can’t you just understand what this means to me? I’m finally happy for once in my life! I finally met someone who doesn’t call my names, and break my ribs, and give me bloody noses, and cover me in bruises. Dad, I’m sorry, but I refuse to leave. I refuse.” I’m surprised by how cool and collected and confident I sound and appear on the outside, when on the inside, I’m a wreck.

“Refuse? Refuse?! You little emo faggot! Get the fuck out of my house and don’t come back until you figure out who has fed you, clothed you, and kept this roof over your head!”

Did he really just say that? I didn’t care. I just walked out, through the front door. I slammed the door shut. I could hear my mum and dad yelling at each other. I headed over to the only place I could’ve possibly gone.

Phil’s house.

Author’s Note:

Um, so yeah, that happened.

I’m dedicating this chapter to youbestestestfriend, because she basically came up with the whole concept and idea of it. So, yeah. It you like it comment or vote or whatever, and have a sufficient day.

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