Lighten the Mood

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“Mum? Dan and I have a question—“

I cut him off, “Um, no, no sorry to bother you—“

He, then, cut me off, talking louder, “Mum, if Dan’s parent’s move, could, um, he maybe stay here. I mean it would really suck for him to have to move schools, again, well could he maybe?”

That’s when I stepped in, yet again, “No, Mrs. Lester, I could never ask of anything like that from you guys. I mean, I love you guys and all, but it’s too much, and I understand that.”

Then his mum finally spoke. “Dan, Phil’s father and I already basically think of you as a son already, how could you ever think that this was asking too much of us? If you’d accept it, I’d be happy to offer you the guest room. Of course, you’d have to get your parents approval, first.”

My head was spinning. One minute I was moving several hours away, the next I’m moving in with Phil? This was so sudden. I couldn’t think properly. I sat down on one of the stools that were set next to the breakfast bar.

I mean, of course I wanted to take them up on their offer. However, like she mentioned, there was also the dilemma of my parents, and what they would say about all of this. They wouldn’t just let me leave them, would they? I mean, sure my dad can be a jerk sometimes, but he can be really great too. And my mum had always loved me. But, maybe they’d love me enough to realize that this was what was best for me. This is what I need.

Oh how I wish it could be that easy. It never is. It never is that easy. You can’t just snap your fingers and assume everything will turn out perfectly. You have to work to get what you want out of life. That is one thing I learned with having a dad with such a temper.

I snap back to reality with Phil saying my name, “Dan?”


“What do you say? Do you want to ask your parents?” So much hope filled his eyes. How could I say no to those eyes?

“I guess, I mean, I already spend most of my time here anyways.” We all laughed. I was glad I could lighten the mood. Everything had been getting so serious.

Author’s Note:

So, this chapter is quite short, so sorry about that. It’s a bit of a filler chapter because I just really didn’t have time to write the whole next part, yet. I don’t know why I felt like I needed to put another chapter up so soon. I mean, I already gave you potatoes three yesterday, but whatever.

Also, I kind of forgot that I was doing this, so I thought I’d start it again:

I was going to make a question/answer video (for my YouTube channel); answering any and all questions from you people (they don’t necessarily have to pertain to my writing or whatever). So, yeah, if there are any questions for me, I guess you can just comment below.

If you’re confused at all, I started that on a different one of my Phanfictions. I’ll put a link in one of these thingies once I finally get around to making that.

Anywho, have a productive day (meaning, check twitter and Facebook every two seconds, watch a billion YouTube videos, and look at a lot of cat pictures).

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