6.Enemies to-More

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I'll do the mafia au or roomates thing later when several people have voted for it, but this comes first because It does.😥 my tartali decided to do this, thanks to him!(my plush tartali with zhongli body pillow)
-{please leave a star ⭐️ on this Chapter if you like it!!}

Summary: Childe is a bad boy and tries to break everyone's heart, his target is Zhongli. Nobody told him it would be difficult.
Pov Childe

You think this acquaintance I used to know as a friend of mine and used to speak well with the traveler is really a friend? you were terribly mistaken.

For him it may be, but for me it's the other way around and let them put in the favor. The only thing he wants to achieve with it is his Harbinger license, which he had tried to crack every month and always got the same result. Always the same thing that makes him puke.

Feel free to call me the guy who walks around happily and smiles at people around town, but basically we all want the same thing.

He want to ignore them and vaguely get them on their knees that they should respect a herald like mr and make public their love for the Tsarina with a heart. They all didn't.

They just stood around giving him a look, watching him try to be nice to the person and looking back down to business, he felt like a normal mortal with nothing but fan-fictions on his mind. (Definitely not me!)

His most hated person and at the same time his target was Zhongli, who was just talking to his colleagues again. He had the mission to seduce him and force him to steal the Gnosis from his fingers.

Seduce and then close his heart carelessly none of that was his credit! despite all of that he loved to see people cry, the sadness in them brings the last chuckle out of him.

Even if it was he who laughed at himself and his guilt.

Zhongli will fall into his trap continuously until he should return to reality.
He didn't realize he was staring and his current rival noticed, he's already quicker than he thought.

"Ah, good evening, Mr. Childe." Zhongli just tried to reach into his pocket until Childe stopped him and reached into his pocket for him. And again he missed Mora, now for the 7th time.

They only met 7 days before so that's clear.

"Ahahaha,"Childe put his hands on his forehead and started laughing at his own joke, how stupid he was when he met Zhongli's sharp gaze. "Let me guess..."

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