"My brother Jay works in Intelligence, I'll ask him to talk to his boss."

"No, I don't want to create an issue."

"The least they will do is say no and that they have a full team." I smiled.

"That's what they all say." She smiled sadly.

"I'll talk to him."

"Okay, thanks. I got to go but I'll see you later."

"You got a last name?" I asked.

"Yeah. Hernandez. You?"


She made a strange face at the Halstead and then shook it off before she left the ER. I checked on a patient and then called Jay.

Hey, bro. Everything okay?

Yeah. I was just wondering if you would be able to set a meeting up for me.

Sure. Who with?


What, you looking to become a cop.

No but I know someone who wants to be a detective.

Fine but I can't promise anything.

Thanks. See you in 3 hours.

See ya.

"Halstead! Code blue!" Shouted Maggie.

I ran into the room and started CPR on our 50 year old patient.

"Push one of epi."

"Pushing one of epi." Said April.

We kept going for 6 minutes but he was brain dead and his pupils were blown.

"Time of death, 17:38." I said looking at the clock.

"Bad way to end the day." Sighed April.

"No, I think mines about to get worse."

"What do you mean?" Asked Maggie as I was putting on my coat.

"You know that girl from earlier?"

"The one with the bionic arm."

"That's sounds so cool." Said April.

"Yeah it is. She's a cop and wants to be a detective. I've got a meeting with Hank."

"Oh cool. Well good luck and remember he only lost Al a few months ago."

I got to the district 10 minutes before the meeting and bought coffee for the team.

"Buying coffee isn't going to convince him." Said Jay.

"I know. I'm being nice."

"Hey, Will. You said you wanted to talk?"

"Yeah. It's about a job."

"You're a detective now?" Laughed Hank.

"No, I have someone in mind though."

"Tell them to come in."

"She tried but Trudy said you wouldn't hire anyone."

"Because I haven't found anyone good yet."

"What's she like?" Asked Kim.

"She's great. Good sense of humour." I said.

"Tell her to meet me tomorrow at 9 here and you are welcome to come with." Hank smiled.

"Will do. Thank you."

"No problem." Hank said as he returned to his office.

I called Maggie and got Jordan's phone number and then called her.

Who's this?

It's Will Halstead. I got your number from your discharge paperwork.

Cool. What's up?

The Sargent at the 21st District wants to talk to you tomorrow at 9.

Oh my god. Thank you so much.

He said I'm welcome to come too but only if you want me there.

Please come. I might need you to talk medical to try and convince him about my arm.

I will be there. Meet at 8:45 outside the district.

Okay. See you then. I'll add your number.

See you then.

I ended the phone call and went to bed. Getting her that interview made my day so much better after losing that old man to a heart attack.

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