🍋 Don't Get Caught (Germany) 🍋

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Warning: Lemon 18+ content. Contains bondage, breeding kink

Yes, this took way too long, I'm sorry!

Requested by: LiaSyafira0

"Hey Prussia, who is that over there?"

Prussia's red eyes scanned the room to see who his brother was pointing to. "Hmm, I believe she is the new UN delegate." He studied her from the balcony overlooking the meeting. "I think I heard some of the other delegates talking about her earlier. This is her first UN meeting."

"Well that explains why I've never seen her before." Germany leaned on the balcony, trying to get a better look at her. There was something about her wide-eyed, innocent look that he just found so intriguing. It was different from everyone else he had ever seen.

Prussia nudged him. "Calm down, brother," he laughed. "You look like you're about to start drooling over her."

"Huh?" Germany pulled back. "Oh, she's just very interesting, don't you think?"

Prussia shrugged. "She's pretty, but she's just another delegate. Come on, the meeting is over." 

Germany looked down to see many of the delegates packing up all their documents and briefcases, including the new girl. Many of the other delegates went up to her to shake her hand after before they left, probably introducing themselves to her. 

"Brother, you wouldn't happen to know her name, would you?" Germany asked. When there was no answer, he turned around. "Brother?" 

Prussia had left the balcony and to Germany's horror had gone down to speak to the girl. He could only watch as Prussia introduced himself to her. They exchanged a few words, though Germany couldn't tell what they were saying. Prussia then pointed him out to her, and Germany's face burned from embarrassment as she looked up at him and then quickly looked away.

He saw Prussia snicker seeing his face. Boy, was Germany going to get back at him later.

Germany quickly tried to leave the building. 

"Wait, brother! Where are you going?" Prussia chased after and called out to him. "She's waiting for you to introduce yourself to her." 

Germany stopped and sighed. "What are you doing, Prussia?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? The awesome Prussia is just helping his little brother score!" 

Germany's eyes widened. "No, absolutely not! What's wrong with you brother? She's a delegate! You want me to take away her dignity? What if people find out?"

"Just don't get caught, stupid."

"I'm not having this conversation." He turned to leave.

"She's shy, timid. Submissive. I thought you liked that?" 

He turned around. "I will introduce myself, but only because she is expecting me. It would be rude not to."

Prussia smiled slyly. "I'll leave you two alone then. Tell me how it goes, brother." He laughed and ran out of the building.

He walked to the conference room and found the girl there. She was the only one left and sat on her desk, waiting for him. She stood and smiled politely at him upon seeing him.

"Hello, you're Gilbert's brother, right? He told me about you. He said you two worked for the German government." She held her hand out to him. "I'm Y/N L/N, a new delegate here."

"Ludwig." He replied simply, shaking her hand, but he held onto it for a little too long. 

I want to pin her to the table and tie her hands above her head. I wonder how she'll look squirming under me---

Radar Love (Yandere Hetalia Oneshots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora