24:: In one table

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It's today, breath in, breath out... Everything will be fine Junkyu, Junkyu took another deep breath before entering. His hands are getting cold due to the air-conditioning and his nervousness.

Haruto immediately rubbed their hands together, warming it up for him. “Thank you Ruto-ya. I just hate socializing but the fact that it's your grandparents and family I am meeting...” Junkyu paused when he saw more familiar faces.

“Appa? Eomma?” He spoke out, his face showed how confuse he was at the moment. His mom immediately smiled big and ran to his son, hugging him tightly as if they haven't met for years.

“Junkyu, my son! I am here with your cousin Jennie since we got invited to this family gathering which I don't really understand why it's needed.” Her mom seemed to be enthusiastic. I hope she's still be this calm until later.

“Why did you invited the Kims? What are you trying to do here Hiroshi?” She glared at her husband, but he just shrugged. “Since we are still going to be a one family soon, why not meet now?” He smiled abit and looked at the people, entering.

“Are you crazy? You accept those twos relationship. Do you even think of your grandson for once of your life?!” She whispered-yelled to him.

“Keeping them in control as if they're still young kids isn't what they wanted. What they wanted now is support Sora.” He answered, stil smiling at the guest.

“Reason why you are not close to Haruto.” “Also the reason why your own son despised you.” Hiroshi looked at her as he said that and looked at Junkyu. She stood up in anger, and went to the comfort room.


“Haruto!” Kazumi greeted him. She is the closest cousins of his, and so far, the kindest relative he has and never judges him. Her father is also Haruto's father's closest sibling.

“Is this your boyfriend?” She asked pointing on Junkyu. He nodded and immediately got his cheeks pinched. “I can't believe how adorable he is in real life. Is he a model? He looks like one.”

“Don't you watch the news? He is the CEO of the company I used to work in.” He said in a matter-of-fact tone. She soon realized then gave Haruto a teasing grin.

“So you fell in love with your boss? That's new. Did you guys did the thing already?” He immediately hits her head. She winced in pain, rubbing the spot.

“You dirty minded human. Is that what you came to ask?” She frowned. “Just asking!” “We almost did, before those medias appeared.” He scratched his neck in embarrassment.

“OMMGGG!!” She squealed and keeps hitting on his arm. “What thing?” Junkyu asked since he was spacing out the whole talk.

“Nothing. Go Yumi, you might atleast find someone for you here.” She just threw him a tissue paper from nearby before completely disappearing from their sights.


(Since I'm getting lazy again, time skip. Note: It will get really messy after.)

They are eating quietly when someone broke the silence. “I see your son is gay. How can you have an heir?” One of Haruto's aunts asked.

“Aunt, you know you are getting offensive here, right?” Kazumi asked with an annoyed face. “What? I am just stating the possibilities.” She acted innocent.

“Chiyo, that's enough.” Daiki, Kazumi's dad stood up, shutting her down. “Sit down Daiki.” Hiroshi ordered which he obediently followed.

“Chiyo, you know we have visitors here. And to be exact, the KIMS themselves.” Chiyo just scoffed and looked away.

Junkyu's mom, Hei Ran, clenched her fist under the table. Using all the patience she have to stop her from snapping that Chiyo girl's neck.

“Junghoon, I swear if these people will disrespect my kids again, I'll make sure the sun won't shine on them again.” She gritted her teeth while whispering to her husband but Haruto also heard that.

He couldn't help but smile. My kids... she considered me as her kid already. Though it looked like a fight is going to happen any minute, Haruto couldn't help but get excited because of her words

“My daughter didn't said anything wrong.” Sora spoke after a long silence. “What did you said?” Hei Ran asked again, hoping to hear things wrong.

“I said my daughter said nothing wrong. It's the most impossible thing to happen when we have a gay couple in this business.” She spoke again.

“If you don't accept us, I don't care of being a Watanabe anymore.” Haruto spoke making everyone look at him.

“Haruto...” “Isn't it easy to accept us? Why can't you guys do? A simple support I wanted ever since I was young is what I always wanted.” Haruto's tears fell from his eyes.

“Grandma, since when did you even care for us? Don't you only want Grandpa's money that's why you married him?” Her eyes widened.

“What nonsense are you saying you shameless brat?!” She yelled at him. “Stop calling my son with your filthy mouth old woman!” Hei Ran bursted out.

“If you don't want me son as a Watanabe, then he can be a Kim and it will be none of your busines—” “I think I missed a lot when I'm gone.” A woman in a red dress and a hat entered.

“Hello, miss me already?”

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