08:: ‽

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After hours have passed, Haruto woke up and noticed he's in a clinic. He then recalled what happened but it turned out to be a bad idea.

He just blushed in no time. “Sir, are you okay?” The nurse asked and was about to use the thermometer when she got pushed aside.

“Let me.” Another girl said and leaned to Haruto, showing her cleavage which is why she got to the floor because Haruto pushed her away.

“Don't need your assistance. I'm fine.” She got embarrassed and left before he do. He bowed to the other girl before leaving.


Junkyu has been spacing out for hours, trying to figure out what the kids means.

Asahi pulled the kid and whispered to him. “What? I just said what I saw.” He defended himself loudly but Junkyu remained unbothered.

“So when and what did you see?” Asahi asked. “I think it's last week and just like I said, I saw them kissing! How many times do I have to tell you?” He sassed taking Junkyu's attention.

Junkyu immediately approached them. “Kid, tell me what you remember.” He demanded.

Toshihiro crossed his arms against his chest with eyebrows raised. “Are you sure, hyung?” Junkyu nodded. He desperately want to know.

“So...” Since you guys knew already, let me fast forward.


Junkyu began searching for a day that that scene could possibly happened when he remembered when he got drunk.

“Wait, he's that stranger?” He asked himself when it came to him. He remembered how the faint smell on his suit that day and Haruto's perfume are quite similar.

He slapped his face, getting weirded out how he remembered Haruto's scent. But he knew he couldn't lie. He 'kinda' like his scent so he always remembered that.

“But did we really kissed?” His heart strated to race. He shrugged the thought off when he saw Haruto's bag on a chair.

He stood up and went for it. He soon found a notebook which seemed to be his journal. Some think it's weird but just because he's a boy doesn't mean he couldn't have one, duh~.


Haruto came out of the clinic when someone stopped him. “Hi, I'm Jane by the way.” The nurse introduced and offered her hand.

“I didn't asked.” He coldly replied. He was about to walk away when the girl hit his head a little harshly making his vision blurred for a second.

“Can you atleast accept my hand? It's not like I am flirting with you or something. I am just being friendly.” He glared at her after facing her, looking down because of the height gap.

“As I have remembered, you saw me feeling really uncomfortable but you didn't gave a hand. So stop acting like you kind.” He pushed her to the wall and left, still unfazed even when knowing she hit her elbow hard.


Junkyu went to the clinic to find Jane treating herself. “What happened Jane?” He asked his old time friend.

“Your secretary did happened. I was trying to be friendly but he just pushed me.” Junkyu frowned. He never heard Haruto acting impulsive.

“I heard he is having a bad day. I hope you don't mind. I'm sorry about that.” She just smiled and nodded.

“Where is Selena?” He asked seeing the other nurse is not around. “I think Selena is also one of the reasons why he's acting like that.” And she began telling him the complete story.

He sighed in frustration. “I should have fired her a long time ago. I'll go now.” She nodded.

On his way out, he saw haruto looking annoyed. He soon understand because he saw Selena tailing him after freshening up.

“Selena Liu!” The girl frozed hearing the boss. “S-sir?” She stuttered while looking down.

“You've been acting out like this since before and I can't stand your actions already. You're fired.” She looked up with wide eyes.

She kneeled down the floor and begged him. “Please sir! No, I can't live without a job! Please I beg you! I can offer my body if you like, please!” Haruto's face hardened on what she said and is totally grossed out, making him wonder how Junkyu was able to keep his straight face.

Haruto couldn't help it anymore and let his body do the job. He walked to Junkyu and grabbed his hands that she kept holding on, before facing her. “If you just didn't waste your time sticking to people you find attractive, you will be able to keep your job.”

He then dragged Junkyu away, leaving the girl a crying mess.


Dude the satisfaction when she got fired. Get ready for the next chapter 😏😏. Bye-bye~ 👋


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