14:: Models

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Haruto and Junkyu decided to talk a walk together outside the company after finishing their lunch but that doesn't stop the 5 people from sneaking around them like a spy.

Haruto was about to broke the silence when someone approached them. “Hello, are you two a model?” The stranger asked.

The two looked at each other before shaking their heads. “You guys could really do good in modelling. Do you have time though? I really needed help since our models didn't came.” Junkyu was about to refuse, he didn't worked hard just to pose infront of a camera.

“We can help.” Haruto replied. Junkyu looked at him with confused eyes. “What? Why, do you have meetings?” Junkyu shook his head. “Then let's just help him. The guy looked pretty stressed.” “Fine.”

( ╹▽╹ )

“Is this a good idea?” Junkyu whispered to Haruto as they hesitantly went to where the shoot is. “Chill hyung, how bad can it be?” Haruto replied but that didn't help.

“I—” He was cut off when the photographer came. “You guys sit on that chair, then we will begin. Easy.” The two nodded but their mouths fell open when they saw one single chair.

“Umm... how are we supposed to sit on that chair? We are two.” Haruto asked with raised eyebrows, pointing the chair.

“Don't you know? This is a couple photoshoot! It's a good thing that you guys looked good together or else that man is gonna lose his job.” The photographer said pointing the guy from earlier with his eyes.

Junkyu was about to protest when Haruto covered his mouth. “Well, what are we gonna do? Are you gonna instruct us?” The photographer nodded.

“First pose, you tall guy sit on the chair and the other one will sit on your lap. You guys should look at each other's eyes with affection so that it will look realistic that you guys are couple.” The photographer said making Junkyu almost faint.

Haruto couldn't help but smile softly seeing the guy pouting.


“Okay, we are done.” Everyone clapped and congratulated the two for their job. “Thank you very much for helping me. I would lose my job if ever you guys didn't. Thank you.” The guy already thanked them a hundredth already.

Haruto smiled to Junkyu who smiled back. It never felt so good helping to people. Junkyu always stays on his office so he never got time to help a stranger he met in the street.

Everyone was in relief when the door busted open, revealing an American man with a woman beside him.

The moment the Italian man saw Junkyu, he took his sunglasses off to see clearly. “Kim Junkyu?” Junkyu was surprised someone knew him.

“Yes?” “Aren't you the CEO of KJK Enterprise?” The man looked at his manager for backup. The manager nodded that he is correct. (I'm sorry if I am wrong or if a company really exist in that name.)

“He is that CEO that made lots of woman in my neighborhood fell for him? No wonder they liked him. He is really handsome in real life!” The girls giggled and Junkyu is now embarrassed they knew him.

“What are you doing here? In a small company?” He panicked because this news might get out to the media. He doesn't want controversies reason why he never leaves his office.

“I told him to visit me.” Doyoung came out of nowhere, surprising Junkyu and Haruto. “Kim Doyoung? The second of son of the Kims? Why are you working here?” The American asked.

“Though it's not your business, to clear any of your assumptions, I work here as an intern. Usually to sharpen my skills by having to experience in different places so that I won't be used to be treated as a royal just because I'm related to the CEO.” Junkyu felt proud for his brother's quick response.

“Now that I answered you, answer me, what are you doing here? You are late for your shoot.” Doyoung asked the guy but the guy shrugged. “I am the one and only Ivan Smith, this tiny company isn't worthy of my time so you guys are lucky I even came.”

Just earlier, he acted somewhat like a fanboy, then now, a complete—, Haruto's thoughts got cut off when Doyoung was about to throw a punch. Good thing Junkyu stopped him on time.

“Is that so? Don't worry though. This company won't be wasting your time anymore. The shoot is finished. So you can exit this place and waste your time on somewhere else.” Ivan's smile fell.

“What?! You can't finish a shoot without me! I am the main model in here! Who replaced me?!” He yelled out of anger.

“Him.” Everyone pointed at Haruto making him flustered. “This guy? This guy's visual isn't even half of mine. No one is more handsome than me so you dared to replace me??”

Junkyu scoffed as his patience is slowly running out. “He isn't half of your visual? You even came here looking like a chicken now you're bragging your looks? You wanted me to break your jaw?” He threatened.

The guy left with his partner in embarrassment and everyone applaused them. “Finally, that guy is out. He has always been a pain in the ass.” Doyoung commented.

Everyone stopped clapping and went silent when their boss came in. “Jaehyuk hyun—” “Sir Jaehyuk, Doyoung made our main model leave.” The girl who hated Doyoung's gut because he's much better than her framed him.

“What?! Doyoung, what did you do?” “He came late. He insulted our company so I let him leave.” He looked down and took all the blame.

“You let him out just like that?! You should have done more! He dared looked down at us? Who does he think he is? You looked good way better than him. You should replace him.” His eye's widened.

“No, you should let him.” He refused and pushed Haruto in front of Jaehyuk. “Then you two will be our models.”

“NOO!” Everyone's eyes looked at Junkyu who yelled. “Mr. Kim?” “H-he is my secretary. You can't just hire him while he's working for me. Doyoung is enough.” He stuttered while Haruto smirked.

“Really? Or you just afraid your brother will take me?” Haruto teased but got a punch in the back. He just laughed as Junkyu hid behind him, currently blushing hard.

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