06:: Danger ⚡

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Junkyu and Haruto is now together and is heading to the lounge to greet his mom who just came after getting a food.

Junkyu stopped and abruptly faced Haruto who got surprised. “You better not spill anything Haruto.” He stood up properly and nodded.

┐( ∵ )┌

His mom didn't utter a word but seeing her smile, he already knew what she's thinking. “So, my old friend Miracle Lee is coming here in South Korea with her beautiful 25 year old daughter, Lee Yuna.”

He raised his left eyebrow. “And? Are you saying you wanted me to accompany her here?” His mom raised her arm to look at her watch. “Yes.”

“Her father and you father is in collaboration last last year when he was still the one who manages the company so, treat her well.” He slammed his hands on the table which his mom glared at him.

He sighed and looked at her. “Mom, I know where this is going. I am not—” “You are going whether you like it or not. Have you forgotten? My friend is the one who bought you ice cream when I wasn't around.” He massaged the bridge of his nose.

“Mom, I already got a boyfriend.” It's now her turn to raise her eyebrow. “I don't care if you have or don't. I am just asking a small favor to fetch them from the airport. What's the big deal? Now hurry up because they've been waiting for maybe, 15 minutes already.”

He widen his eyes while curling his hand into fist before living the room. When he was already out of his mom's sight, he groaned and grabbed his hair.

To everyone who didn't know the history, he used to get bossed around the same Yuna which he was supposed to get from the airport.

Haruto awkwardly followed him with Asahi who just didn't happen to hear the whole conversation after getting bothered by his sister's sudden visit.

乁( . ര ʖ̯ ര . )ㄏ

When he got out from the car, he silently closed his eyes after hearing her voice again. “Junkyu?” She called with a little bit of accent.

“Lee Yuna.” He faked smile as he face her. Yuna looked at the people beside him. “Who are they?” She asked pointing them with her sunglasses.

“Where is your mom?” He asked back. “She got herself a cab after you made her tired of waiting. Now, answer my question.” She demanded.

“Haruto, my secretary and Asahi, my friend.” She nodded in anticipation. “So where do I sit?” She asked. “Where are your things?” He asked again without answering her.

She groaned. “With mom. Okay, I'm sorry for bossing you around before, can you stop this act?” She complained which in return, got a shrug.

She sighed and opened the door of the van to see someone almost familiar. “Hana?” The girl raised her eyebrows and pointed herself, Yuna nodded. “You are mistaking me of someone, Not sure who you are.”

Junkyu got thankful for the first time of having Asahi's straightforward sister around. “But you are Japanese too, right?”

“Well yeah?” “What's your name?” Junkyu was taken aback of Yuna being interested of other people, but he just let her be.

“Sorry, my name isn't something that should be given as a welcome gif—” Asahi covered her mouth to stop her, Yuna still need to get respected.

“Sorry, she's my sister Emiko, she isn't really supposed to be her—” “Yes, I was. Junkyu oppa and I are supposed to got out, right?” She cut him off and looked at Junkyu.

“She's indeed, right. After this, we have somewhere to be at.” It made her frown.

“Aren't you gonna tour me around?” She asked him but got a snort from Emiko.

“Girl, aren't you tired after a long flight? You should rest. You are a Korean, aren't you supposed to know your country yourself? You don't look like a kid who needed a guidance” Emiko smirked.

Yuna is already annoyed to talk so she just sat down and crossed her arms.

乁[ ◕ ᴥ ◕ ]ㄏ

Yuna already got send off on the hotel they're booked. Asahi looked at Emiko sternly. “How dare you cut me off earlier?”

“Didn't you cut me off too? What goes around, comes around.” She snapped at him which is why he flicked her forehead.

Junkyu just watched at them. “Thank you anyways Emiko, I don't know you can be this useful.”

“It takes time for people to know someone's worth. Anyways, I know a danger when I saw one.” She replied with a proud look.

Haruto somehow feel awkward of just watching them. Emiko then 'accidentally' tripped and pushed him to Junkyu who caught him in reflex. “Sorry, I didn't mean it.”

She apologized with her hands on her phone, secretly taking a photo and sending it to Jihoon

“It's okay.” Haruto replied with a bow to Junkyu, grateful that he caught him before hitting the ground, with a smile tint of blush in his cheeks.

Yow guys! I'm back! Emiko is also back in this story but as Asahi's sister not cousin. If you read Run Out of Gas, you are probably familiar of this girl.

I didn't actually planned to add her again but because I have no idea what should I name Asahi's sister, I just came up with her. Funny how her and Jihoon was fighting in ROOG and here, they're bestfriends.

Btw, I am not talking about ITZY's Shin Yuna. This one is a fictional character from my head, i just made her up from my empty brain. Anyways, hope you enjoy it. See you in the next chapter! Bye-bye~👋

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