01:: Drunk Encounter

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It's a normal day when something told Haruto to go somewhere than just stay in his room for the rest of the day.

He thinks it's not a bad also a congratulatory for himself after graduating after years of working hard to make his father proud.

It's already 10 in the evening and people walking around is getting lesser as it gets late.

He hugged himself as the cold wind hit him. ‘I should have put more layers. Now I'll die freezing.’ He thought himself as he turned around to walk back home.

He fasten his pace when he heard someone vomit behind the wall he just passed by on. He was about to keep walking when his curiosity ate him.

He hesitantly peek and saw a man in suit but looked like really wasted, I mean, drunk.

He slowly went to the guy for he still needed to be as cautious as possible. Haruto looked at the guy with sad eyes when he started bawling out.

“Are you okay?” He asked the guy. The guy looked up to him with squinted eyes. “Jihoon-ahhh~...” The guy whined and jumped on him.

He tried to let the guy off but he won't budge so he let him be. “Sir, I am not Ji—” He was cut off when he started burying his head on his neck.

No one ever did that to him but sure he felt ticklish. Haruto was getting frustrated when he felt something wet. ‘Is this guy crying? Poor man.’ He thought for a second but immediately changed when he can feel his teeth on his neck.

“What the actu—” “Your arm smell good, did you cook for me again?” The guy teased with eyes closed. “It smell like chicken that's why I bit on it hehehe.”

He looked at him in disbelief but at the same time, had a soft smile in his face. The guy look so weird and innocent at the same time, what can he do?

He sighed remembering he can't let this kid out alone because for sure someone would take advantage of him with his looks.

“Can you hand in your phone sir?” He immediately placed his phone on Haruto palm before laying his back flat on the ground.

Haruto just shook his head and immediately scrolled on his contacts. He immediately found Jihoon for it is in VIP. ‘This guy might be his boyfriend or something?’ He thought so he immediately called him.


Haruto was heading address the guy gave him but of course it won't be that easy especially having that drunk man in your arms.

He carried the guy in bridal style because he won't stop moving around and this is the best way possible.

He ringed the doorbell and a guy in white t-shirt came opening the door for him. The moment the guys saw Junkyu, he immediately extended his arms to accept Junkyu who's sleeping like a baby.

“Thank you for bringing him home. Um... did anyone saw you guys?” He asked reluctantly. Haruto shook his head because he never remembered someone paying attention to them.

The guy let out a sigh of relief. ‘Is it that of a big deal or is this guy famous?’ Haruto asked himself in his mind because it might be to weird to ask personal stuff.

“Is this guy your boyfriend? I remember him crying while calling your name at the same time clinging at me thinking I'm you.” Jihoon immediately got a smile on his face. He looked at Junkyu in his arms and pinched his nose.

He was just smiling when he started laughing out which confused Haruto. ‘Is people in this place a weirdos? Creepy.’ Jihoon finished laughing his heart out.

“This guy cried my name? I should have thrown a party! Never in his life did clinged that much to me, more likely I to him.” The same moment his laugh died down which made Haruto totally creeped out.

“Oh, right, I am going back home for a couple of days. Maybe he'll just miss me for making him great food everyday.” Now that he said that, he started laughing again.

“But boyfriend? This guys is single since he was born. He can't even communicate with a total stranger without getting drunk or having someone with him.” Haruto immediately took that sign and ran away.

“Ey? Where did that guy go?” Jihoon asked himself because his eyes closed for a moment. It's late already and just woke up to take this delivery. Very sleepy, like I am.

My Comforter | Harukyu ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora