23:: Grandparents

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Junkyu is in his office, uncomfortably reviewing some files. Asahi couldn't help but get fed up by his actions. "Hyung, why do you look so uneasy?" He asked.

"It's obvious?" "So obvious Kyu." Jennie came in. She just returned being his secretary. "I won't be having a press conference, right? I can just post my statement online." He asked her with a begging face.

"I'm sorry to disappoint but I am not the one planning. It's Haruto." She stated making Junkyu stood up instantly. "Why is he suddenly taking over of planning things?"

"Junkyu, you took a break instead of working in your office just to take care of your boyfriend. Maybe he just wants to help you knowing your bad at things like this." Jennie teased him, he just rolled his eyes and sat back down.


Junkyu is sleeping peacefully in his office since he got tired of worrying, when he felt something in his forehead.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw Haruto. "Haruto? What are you doing here?" Junkyu asked, rubbing his eyes.

He looked around and saw his friends infront of them. "Why are you guys stuck together on the wall?" He asked but no one answered.

"Junkyu hyung..." Haruto called and pointed the camera on his table. "What the! Why is it there?" He asked in horror.

"YOU GUYS ARE GOING LIVE" Asahi texted him with a thumbs up. He immediately fixed himself and getting ready. "Aren't you gonna press the button?" Junkyu asked them and Jihoon sighed, feeling lazy to even stand up from squatting on the floor.

Haruto sat beside him and buried his head on Junkyu's neck. "It is going to be alright hyung." He whispered in his ears.

→(° ۝ °)┗

"Sir, the live is on." His secretary turned on the tv connected to his phone. The man stayed quiet but the disappointment on his face is undeniably obvious.

"So this is what this kid is doing?" His wife scoffed while rolling her eyes, unable to hold back her emotions.

"Call Haruki." She demanded with unhappy face. "Yes ma'am."

["Okaasan?"] The Haruki answered.

"So my grandson is a gay now?" She directly asked taking him aback.

["Okaa... hai, he is indeed gay. But its what makes him happy! After his mom left, he nev-"]

"I don't accept any of your excuses. I'll arrange a family gathering and you guys better attend. We will have a talk there. Bring everyone in that video." She sternly commanded.

["But they have a company to handle!"] "You guys will come or you will not be considered one of the Watanabes anymore. Your son is shameful enough to came out gay. Him not having a woman to bear an heir form him is past the limit." He clenched his fist.

["Hai"] Haruki immediately ended the call and sighed. Sorry Haruto, I couldn't cover you properly.

"Could you believe it?! That kid has brought enough shame for us when his wife left him and now this?!" She complained to her husband who's thoughts are far from earth.


Everyone was clapping since the live finished with more of positive comments than negative ones. A lot complimented them because of how they look good for each other.

Some also insulted them for having the same sex. But Junkyu and Haruto could care less and wanted to live their life to the fullest.

Haruto was happy and had a good laugh when two text messages changed it all.

"Son, I'm sorry to kill your mood. Your grandparents are planning to meet you with your friends the day after tomorrow. In the hotel of your aunt, at 2 pm."

"Sir Haruto, this is Mrs. Watanabe's assistant. I am texting to inform you that you are invited in a family gathering on Thursday, at 2 pm, on Sakira Hotel. Also take note to bring your boyfriend and your friends from that live. It's a special request from your grandparents. Thank you."

He immediately turned his phone off, throwing it to the ground in anger. Everyone gasped except for the Hamada siblings.

"What happened Haruto?" Junkyu asked worriedly, cupping his face. Haruto combed his hair back using his fingers.

"Grandpa and Grandma wants to see us." "Kamchagi? Why all of a sudden? When? What time and day? What's the dress code?" He asked continuously.

"I... actually it's not only us, but everyone in this room." Now that what made Hamadas choke in their water. "You've got to be kidding me." Jihoon asked.

"I hope I was." Haruto said in uninterested tone. He hugged Junkyu tightly, wanting some comfort. Meeting his whole family at once is the least he ever wanted to do.

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