07:: Memory

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A loud bang from Junkyu's office made the workers stop what they are doing.

“Is the boss, okay?” Jia asked Hyejin who's sitting across her. She shrugged her shoulders and continued doing the project assigned to her.

Haruto was reluctant of entering but he did due to Asahi's push. When he entered, he saw a large crack on the wall. He immediately looked around but nothing is changed except for the wall.

Junkyu faced him like nothing happened. “Oh, the wall cracked.” He lied.

“Sir, there's no earthquake. How could that possible happen if no one hits it?” Junkyu sighed and Asahi entered finally.

His eyes immediately went to Junkyu's bleeding fist. He ran to him and examined his hand. Haruto knew what to do and decided to search for the first aid kit.

Haruto finished wrapping a bandage on his hand and gently let go of it. Junkyu smiled at them but got flicked in the forehead by Asahi.

“Why did you punch the wall? You can't just do that! Do you think your hand is steel?” Asahi scolded.

Junkyu just wheezed at him and hugged him. “Sorry Sahi-yah~ Saranghae~” He said while throwing hearts to the guy who just ignored him.

Haruto felt his heart clench but keeps it cool. He sat there awkwardly but at the same time, hating the scene infront of him.

Junkyu remembered his secretary is still around so he stopped faced him. “Thank you too Haruto.” Haruto gave a forced smile and went out.


Junkyu walked out of the office and roamed around to monitor how everyone is doing. He saw Haruto was doing better than expected so he decided to compliment him.

“Good job Haruto.” Haruto just glanced at him and continued his job. He was taken aback how he ignored him but shrugged it off.

“Hyejin unnie, did Jihoon oppa told you anything?” Jia asked again which made her sigh.

“My brother is his bestfriend, but that doesn't mean I know everything. He looks like upset of something ,to be honest. Don't mind it.” Jia faced her computer again with questions in her head.

Emiko came in with a kid in her hands. Jia immediately stood up immediately ran to her. “Unnie, is this Toshihiro?” She nodded happily.

“Wow, he looks cuter in real!” Asahi's attention was caught when he heard Jia's squealing. He sneak around and saw their younger brother is here. His eyes widen in pure joy.

“Hiro!” He called and the kid immediately jumped out of Miko's arms to ran to Asahi. “Aigoo... did you miss me?” The kid nodded and buried his face to the crook of his neck.

“I'm going to my class now.” Emiko informed him. She is teaching a music and art class in a university so since no one can watch the kid since their parents are in Japan to visit their grandparents, she left Hiro to his brother.

( ◜‿◝ )♡

Junkyu is cooing to the Toshihiro's cuteness and Haruto entered with the box Junkyu ordered online.

The kid looked at him and stared at him, making Haruto stare at him as well. He kinda looked familiar for Haruto but he couldn't find where.

The kid then pointed at him hitting his nose. “Ah! Hyung, Kyu hyung and that hyung kissed.” He giggled while covering his mouth. He then formed his too hands into lips and bump it to each other.

“Yah! Where did you learn that?” Asahi got surprised but more curious of what really happened.

Haruto felt his cheeks getting warmed. Haru being nervous is an understatement and felt like he's going to faint anytime soon because he is also panicking.

“What do you m-mean, kid? Maybe you mistook me of someone.” “No, I remember it right. That one night in an alley, y—.” The kid wasn't able to finish what he said when Haruto fell unconscious on the floor.

“Haruto!” The shook the guy to wake up. “He fainted.” Junkyu scratched his head in confusion.

Why all of a sudden? Did something happened?’ He thought but decided to carry the guy to the clinic they had downstairs.

“Gosh, he's heavy!” He complained while grunting. He is a hard time carrying the man, Asahi is no different anyways. They arrived eventually without dropping the unconscious guy.

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