Chapter 6 - Classroom of the Elite

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Chabashira-Sensei then countered with a perfect argument. Which involved whether or not they learned anything in the 9 years of compulsory education.

“Having just entered your first year of high school, did you honestly think you’d receive 100,000 points every month with no strings attached? At a school made by the Japanese government for the express purposes of training gifted people? That’s unthinkable. Try using some common sense. Why would you leave it to chance?”

Hirata became frustrated and asked another question.

“Well then, could you at least explain in detail how points are added or deducted? We can keep that in mind for future reference.”

“I cannot tell you. We cannot disclose the methods behind our student evaluation. It’s the same as any other organization. When you enter a company, it is the company’s choice whether or not to tell you how it evaluates its employees. However, I’m not cruel, and I’m not trying to be cold. In fact, this situation is so pathetic that I will give you one bit of guidance.”

With a faint smile Chabashira-sensei proceeded to explain.

“Let’s say that you stop being late to class and have no more absences… Even though zero points will be deducted from you this month, that doesn’t mean that your points will increase, either. That means next month you will still receive zero points. From another perspective, you could say no matter how times you’re late or absent to class, it doesn’t matter. So, you’re not really at a loss, are you?”

Chabashira-sensei then opened the rolled up poster and pasted it on the board. They were the class rankings.

Class A - 940 points
Class B - 650 points
Class C - 490 points

and at last,

Class D - 0 points

Same as the original huh? I guess my actions didn't do much to change things.

“In this school, students are sorted by their level of excellence. The superior students are sorted into Class A, the least capable in Class D. It’s the same system you’d find in the major cram schools. In other words, Class D is akin to the last bastion for failures. You are the worst of the worst. You’re defective. This is just the result of you being defective.”

“However, I have to say, this year’s Class D was the first to ever spend all of their points in a single month. I am impressed by how much you indulged yourselves. Wonderful, just wonderful.” Chabashira-Sensei applauded.

“So, does that mean that once we reach zero points, we’ll always stay there?”

“Yes. You will remain at zero until you graduate. But don’t worry, you can still have a room in the dorms and free meals. You won’t die."

"Tch, won't we get made fun of by the other classes."

“You’re still worried about your dignity, Sudou? Well then, work to make your class into the best one.”


“Your class’s points aren’t just linked to the amount of money that you receive each month. They’re also indicative of your class rank.”

The class was losing hope and falling into despair with every word that came out of our Teacher's mouth.

Alright this is my cue.

"Looks like I was somewhat right,"  I said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear.

Most of my classmates turned to look at me.

Kushida seemingly to have remembered something spoke up.
"Ah! I remember Akira-Kun saying something similar on the first day."

"Oh?" Chabashira-sensei raised her right eyebrow.

"Yeah, He did." Hirata added with a slightly grim look.

"Oh! I remember too." Some girls and boys exclaimed. I had a feeling they were just going along with Kushida and didn't really remember what I said.

"If only we listened....." Kushida spoke with a hint of sadness in both her voice and face.

I then stood up to speak.

"You shouldn't blame yourself you know? Who knew something like this was possible. As Chabashira-sensei said, we just have to work hard to reach Class A. Yes, The gap between Class A and D is very large but that doesn't mean we can't catch up to them."

"That's right everyone, don't lose hope. We can still catch up."
Hirata spoke in a way that lit a fire inside almost everyone. My classmates now had a glint of hope inside them.

"Ahem. Sorry to ruin this moment but I still have one more piece of bad news left." Chabashira sensei spoke with a small smile.
Chabashira-sensei then took out another rolled paper.

"We don't have much time left so I will make this quick. It looks like we have a few not so good at academics students in this class. What did you even learn in elementary school and junior high?."

The rolled up paper had the results for our short test which wasn't graded.

My score was tied with Horikita's. I got every one of those hard questions wrong huh.

"If this were an actual test, The seven of you would have to drop out."

"Drop out? W-What?" Ike stuttered.

"If you fail in any of the exams, Then you will have to drop out."

The students were speechless.

"Also, It doesn't matter whether you reach Class C or B, as long as you aren't in class A nothing is guaranteed."


The students erupted into an uproar.

"Well, I will take my leave now."

Just as Chabashira-sensei left the class, I couldn't help but notice her glance at me.

The students became disheartened after what Chabashira-sensei said.

Clapping his hands once, Hirata took everyone's attention.

"Everyone lets not be disheartened. If we want to reach Class A, we will need to work together."

"That's right, We have to help each other so don't lose hope."
Kushida spoke in a angelic voice with puppy like eyes.

They sure are good at social interactions.

My classmates were somewhat starting to calm down. Well, not everyone. However, Regardless this won't last for long. To keep up the morale, we will need to show results.

My plan seems to have worked. My introduction, Me telling people like Hirata and Kushida about saving the private points and telling my classmates to improve their behaviour. It was all so that my words could come true. which will make people believe and trust me. Thus, Estabilishing myself as an important figure in class.

If I became a class leader, They would follow me and not question my actions that much, Which will make it easier for me to hide the fact that I know the future.

Classroom of the Elite - The Anomaly Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang