we can only hope

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you wake up before the sun does cause any noises wakes you up at this point.. you're just extra cautious, a stick had fallen on the ground causing you to wake up. you jolt your out of your sleep and peer over the edge of the branch.. nothing to be seen but the serene pond. you were tired enough to fall back asleep. a few hours have gone by and the sun shining through the leaves of the tree make you feel safe.. you look up through the branches and take a deep breath and sit up before packing your bag with all your stuff you strip down pack your clothes as well, you look around to make sure there's no walkers around before throwing your bag to the bottom of the tree and walking across a branch that lays above the pond.. you see your reflection in the still pond water, and you think for a minute, i wish i wasn't alone... you snap back to reality and look around double checking that your bag dropping didn't bring any unwanted attention, and from what you can tell- nothing... you take a deep breath and jump into the middle of the pond creating a loud splash so you don't waste too much time in the water but just enough time to feel refreshed enough in the apocalypse.. you quickly run out and dry yourself off with your throw jacket and put your dirty clothes back on and quickly make your way in the direction of the stranger yesterday..

y/n: he had the chance to kill me already.. possibly twice so what harm could this be?

you pull your backpack to the front of your body and search through it for your knife, after finding it you shift your backpack back to your back and you look around.. a zombie comes up from behind you and while turning around you trip over yourself. you quickly stumble and roll around till you're far enough to get yourself up. you let it trip over to you and once it's close enough you send your knife through its head.. it instantly goes down and you fight with your knife trying to get it out... after getting it out you check the pockets of the corpse and find a pocket knife...

y/n: anything is better than nothing right?

you mumble to yourself and slip the pocket knife into the side pocket of your backpack and keep moving.. an hour into walking your stomach is growling and you have extreme cotton mouth- you stumble across a rundown town that looks to be looted but it was obvious there was a blood bath here sneak around bushes and crouch behind walls. there are a few walkers spread around.. not enough to try killing them, so you sneak into a corner store and there's one fresh zombie as if he just turned a few hours ago.. you sigh and slide your knife into his head as gentle as you can. he dies and you tip toe around just incase there's one hiding somewhere else.. you walk up and down the isles and find a can of chickpeas, you cut the can open with your knife and just as you're going to take a bite someone walked into the corner store you stop everything you're doing and look around shitting your pants you grab all your things and you get into a deep freezer filled with rotten meat... you cover your nose and fight the feeling of throwing up, you stop breathing all together when you start hearing loud footsteps walking around stoping over everything left out and the dead body on the floor, there's a snide giggle and some more heavy footsteps
n/a: "looks like she's some where around here.." theres a pause before there are some taps on the deep freezer, your heart drops as it flings open and there's a gun straight in your face..
y/n:" holy fuck man, why are you after me ive been stuck in the woods living off black berries and nasty mushrooms, ive been no problem to anyone" you say with a trembling voice. he laughs and pulls you out, giving you a bandana to wipe the rotten juices off..
n/a: " ive been tracking you for awhile cause of you living in the woods, you don't look like you should be out here... you need a bed, and somewhere you don't have to worry.." he says in a raspy voice while walking away. you impulsively trail behind him quietly while looking around at all the decomposing bodies..
y/n: " wait.. what are you saying here-? are you taking me with you back to your whatever it is??.." he stops and turns around looking at you..
n/a:" you'll be evaluated and if you fit our needs, if not you're gone.. but from what ive seen from you, you have everything we need. you're small, quick, and you know what you're doing out here. i have a good feeling you're gonna make it with us.."
you smile at his words and continue to follow behind him.. it becomes night and he looks around not knowing what to do.. you giggle and pull out your rope and walk to the nearest and biggest tree and threw it over. he watches silently and in awe as you secure your knot climb up it into the tree.. you look down at him and the looks at the rope then at you and tries his best to get himself up. when he's half way you take his hand and pull him up.. you two settle in different parts of the tree and share the cans of chick peas that were found.. and after a little bit you dose off and he watches you till morning..

we all get lonely twd x readerWhere stories live. Discover now