Not fun times

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Jane can hear her shouting outside "It's all here! Three thousand gallons of guzzoline, just like you asked! I'm gonna unhitch the pod... You drop the rocks" to who she doesn't know as nobody responds for quite a while... until the sound of mutiple motorbikes echoes around them followed by a very and I mean VERY angered voice "You said: A few vehicles in pursuit. Maybe... We count three War Parties!" It seems to be getting tense out there but so far Furiosa is calm and collected "Let's do this!"

A whimper next to Jane breaks the silent eavesdropping. Jane's eyes snap to the female next to her and worriedly look her over just as Max points his gun at her. However that doesn't stop her from gasping, struggling to keep the noise down... oh she knows what's happening.

The baby is the cause of her pain...

Leaning over Jane hesitantly lays a hand over her stomach, which surprisingly doesn't make the girl flinch and proceeds to rub slow and steady circles while Max watches it all play out "Shh you're okay. Come on you can do it, just try to hold it for a little bit more" the sound of the woman in pain right next to her mixed with what can be only described as multiple vehicles nearing their position starts to put Jane in somewhat of a panic.


Oh no...

Just like that Max shots up from the floor and behind the wheel, trying to start up the Rig as fast as possible as gunshots ring out all around them. The blonde is still in pain as Jane pulls her up to sit in a more comfortable position, worry written in her eyes that is soon replaced by surprise when she hears a giant explosion go off behind them. Apparently intentional as it makes big boulders fall over the passage way they came in thru before.

Metal hand shots up and into one of the windows and Jane doesn't even hesitate to grab it since she knows who it belongs to and effortlessly pulls Furiosa in, the woman spares her a thankful glance as she seats herself next to Max.

Slowly the rest of the girls climb back out and watch as bikes start to pile up on both sides of the Rig, cathing up to them in no time. One even making it in front to throw molotoves at the front of the truck. Quickly thinking Jane looks around and spots the bag full of weapons "Quick give me the bag!" Furiosa looks at her weirdly but complies and Jane proceeds to look thru all of them until she spots what she is looking for...

A sniper riffle.

Taking it out and making sure it's loaded she manages to shoot one of their attackers just as he jumps over the truck, shooting him and making him fall off the bike. Sadly she can't do much else as most of the bikers jsut hide behind the sand dunes.

With quick thinking Furiosa pulls a lever at the side of one of the front seats, this forces the metal plates on the front side of the Rig to drop down to the ground level, swirling the sand into the air which puts out all the fire.

Now with all of the bikes behind them the female hands over the sniper riffle to Max and climbs up and out of the roof hatch waiting for her friend to reload the gun and hand it to her.

Shot after shot she takes most of the bikers down, Max joining in with his handgun and even Furiosa starts shotting them down with her shotgun.

Jane manages to duck back in and hands the riffle over to the girls, both of the other two shooters too busy to help out "Relaod the clip"

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