Out in the wild

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After the new blood bag got marked with tattoos and thrown in to a hanging cage that made him look like an oversized songbird, the war-boys were sent out for a small scavenger hunt just for some supplies, basically go out and bring back anything that you think will be useful.

And while two cars, few bikes and a big truck came out of the Citadel, only one damaged car returned at the end of the day... and at the back of it, attached by rusted chains, was a chained up woman.

Apparently, that tiny little thing managed to easilly take down all the men that were sent out with the exception of one who somehow, in some miraculous way, managed to catch her off guard and brought her back so she could be properly punished for what she did.


Immortan Joe instead of killing her, gave her the label of "personal blood bag" meaning if anything were to happen to him, the little firecracker would be the first to give blood.

Of course he got backlash from his war-boys but as he said himself "This girl is untamed, wild and most important she is healthy... I would much rather get her fiery blood in my veins than that of some sick corpse"

At some point the twisted man did consider making her his wife... 

After all, she looks rather delicious and has wide child-bearing hips but that idea was thrown off the nearest cliff as soon as he offered it to her and received one of the most threatening glares that pierced thru him like thousands of daggers at once, unsettling warning falling out of her lips when she got the chance to speak up as well.

"If you ever dare to try and force your cock in me and get me pregnant I will rip the child out of my belly and strangle you with the umbilical cord..."

And yes that may seem a little over exaggerated but considering that most of his current wifes are tame and obedient he is almost certain that her venom filled words were spoken as a promise rather than an empty threat. It also does not help that her feral tendencies came thru when one of the war-boys went to tattoo her back and she bit three of his fingers off at once, further showing how truly dangerous and wild she can really get.

Amusing to him, not so much to his men.

So with that, she was sent away, growling and squirming like some kind of animal.

But we should actually go back a bit to tell you how Jane,

the woman that is currently being dragged away,

got in to all of this mess in the first place...

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