A deal is made...

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Until it stopped fully, not budging even when Max pressed every single little button he could find in hopes it would start up again. His anger got the best of him as he slammed his fist in to the dashboard but he stilled when a gentle hand took hold of it, his eyes jumping up to meet Jane's calm yet firm gaze.

Stop it.

With a sigh of defeat Max threw his head back, eyes closed in frustation.

Soon, footsteps caught up to their truck and the one-handed female peaked thru the window on Maxe's side "Kill switches" she exclaimed, seeming out of breath... and considering the fight she just had no wonder... "I set the sequince myself"

Snapping out of his sulking the man behind the steering wheel turned his head to glare at the invasive woman "This Rig goes nowhere without me"

Max seemed to contemplete whether or not to trust her but he gave in either way "You can get in"

"Not without them"

Jane was curious as to how this would turn out so she preffered not to speak unless necesarry, that did not stop her from admiring Furiosa though... after all this woman is risking her life to save others and that is these days a rare ocurance.

Yet again the male thought about it, brows drawn tight over his eyes, tilting his head he than growled "So we wait" and like a stubborn little kid that didn't get his way, he crossed his arms and just... sat there...

But Jane doesn't like the idea of getting captured again by Immortan Joe and his army... and neither did Furiosa...

"You're relying on the gratitude of a very bad man. You've already damaged one of his wives how grateful do you think he's gonna be?"

However her words did not affect Max at all so instead she switched her gaze to Jane, who was paying her more attention than he ever would "Youre sitting on 2000 hoursepower of nitro-boosted war machine. I'd say we got about five minute head start"

But still nothing...

The man didnt seem to care one bit.

And so she switched tactics yet again "You want that thing off your face?"

He was so close to just giving up from that last comment... she could see it...

It just needed one small push-

"Look... I dont know about you but I dont want to go back to the cage and I bet you don't want to either"

Jane murmured, voice somewhat quiet yet stern and eyes trained at the side of his face in a scolding manner. Max turned a bit to look at her, a starring contact was held for whole 5 seconds before he huffed out and without another word gestured for Furiosa and the girls to get in, also forcing Jane to sit in the back so he could sit in the passanger seat with his gun raised and aimed at their new driver.

Furiosa did notice how the stoic man softened up when the female talked him in to this deal but said nothing, deciding to keep this information to herself for now... Their bond seems strong without the two even knowing...

"Let's go"

She hollers at the women outside, who obey and squeeze themselfs next to Jane.

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