chapter seven , floriano

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floriano bonucci was the sweetest soul ever- or flo as i've became fond to. a shy and timid girl with the biggest, most kindest heart in the world.

i've known the angel since we could barely walk- never mind talk. she likes old movies and books, animals- especially cats. the little women series, the sound of raindrops against glass pane, autumn, sewing the most beautiful dresses and long car rides. she also likes spending time with me- or so i'm told.

her hair is a silky long light brown and her eyes a honey that shine beneath her unmistakable big black-frame glasses and she's the teeniest bit taller than me but not that it really matters- only if you care about that sort of thing. i think she's the most gorgeous human ever in the existence of time and that's my opinion; inside and out. 

so i think you'll understand when as soon as i saw her name buzz across my phone screen on an slow morning, i squealed out of pure glee. 

"FLO?!" i exclaim down the phone's speaker; maybe a little too loud for 9am on a sunday when you're not exactly living alone.

"AL!!" she yelps back.

"hey gorgeous girl." i chuckle "i missed you!"

"i missed you too!" a smile blatant in her voice.

"god f, there's so much i need to tell you. everything's been so crazy even in the past week-"

"stop right there." i get cut off "spare all the juicy details for when i can see your beautiful face. what about coffee?"

"that's the first thing." a sigh escapes my lips. i really wanted to see her but i couldn't. "i'm not exactly fit to go out."

i could almost hear the worry twist her face "wait what? are you okay? are you hurt?" the immediate panic in her voice quickly shatters my heart. god i love her.

"no no no, i'm fine now. i got.. well, i pulled apart a fight last night? now i can't exactly walk so i'm stuck in bed. but aside from that i'm great!" i laugh with my palm covering my forehead in ease of her upcoming reaction.

the silence extruding from the other side of the phone caught the breath in the back of my throat. peace was eradicated when i heard the slight jingle of keys in the background. "um, flo? you there?"

"you are home aren't you." she inquires with demand. her tone had changed drastically from the usually sweet in the time span of thirty singular seconds. oh god, how was i going to tell her!

"erm not exactly..."


little less than eight minutes later, i hear some emotion arise in the villa's lobby. the worst part about it is i couldn't go see what it was. all i could really hear was muffled voices.

"signorina, i need you to please calm down." was that.. ezio's voice? who was he talking to? "signor maranzano is busy right now. i need you to leave-"

"I DON'T CARE! i don't care whatever he's doing i need to talk with him! he's crossed the line too far this time." was that..? oh no.

quick footsteps became louder as they got closer, reaching the outside of my room. the door flies open as my eyes are met with my bestfriend. her demeanor immediately drops as she runs over, pulling me into a tight embrace. she rests her head next to my ear and whispers, "you need to start talking."

as she pulls apart, i spot ezio stood in the doorway behind her with an uneasy smile. i return the expression- more pity on my behalf in thanks for trying to resolve the situation- before he leaves, shutting the door after him.

"start talking."

i take a breath in, "okay. you'll need to sit down for this."


love is a loosing game (dream x oc enemies to lovers fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora