I was looking forward to training with Wilbur but to be honest, I'm a bit nervous about meeting Dream's brothers.

time skip to a few hours later

'Dreeeeeeeeam...' I whined as we stepped out of the shop, we had spent a few too much hours picking out a suit for me and him, and my stomach was growling like it hadn't eaten in days, which I guess, is true.

'We're going back George, and then we can eat.' Dream giggled and took off with me in his arms. Normally, I would've screamed if we hadn't been flying around looking for a suitable store for HOURS. 

'Fine...' I grumbled as we finally flew back towards the palace. The crowd scattered as flew into the door, landing gracefully inside the palace.

We walked to the dining room and for once, Techno and Lila wasn't here, instead, Wilbur and Niki was sitting in their usual spots. I sighed as I sat down beside Dream and servants filed in with big plates of food. 

I dug into the food after Dream and sighed in contentment as I leaned back into the chair, having finished all of the food on my plate. 

'Lets go back to the courtyard to do our training shall we?' Wilbur said to me and I looked at Dream for his opinion and he nodded at Wilbur. Wilbur nodded back and we all stood up to leave for the courtyard. 

Niki went back to their room since she wasn't really needed for the training and she was a bit tired.

I smiled as we entered the courtyard, it was as beautiful as always. Dream plopped down beside the tree and Wilbur threw him a blood bag that he took out of nowhere. 

I stared at Dream as he opened the bag and took a sip out of it. I cringed a bit when he licked his lips, I still couldn't get over the fact that vampires drink blood so easily. I turned around to stop myself thinking too much and saw Wilbur also cringing slightly. 

'Lets just start.' I said and Wilbur pulled out another pouch of blood which I assumed was for my training. He opened the bag and set it on the ground. He took ahold of my hand and dipped his fingers into the blood, and drew a pentagram on the palm of my hand. I leaned back from Wilbur as he drew on my palm and looked at the blood with disgust.

'Uhhh, do we have to do this part Wilbur?' I asked and Wilbur chuckled at my reaction, shaking his head. 

'Not really, but this is to help you harness your powers more easily, especially your blood control.' He said while releasing my hand, the blood somehow not dripping off when I shook it. 

'You can take it off yourself if you really don't like it.' Wilbur smirked and I growled at him, cursing under my breath. 

I tried wiping it onto my hoodie but decided I didn't want to have blood on it and it probably wouldn't work so I gave up.

I sighed as the only option left was for me to use my powers. I glared at Wilbur while he and Dream snickered at me. 

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, concentrating all my focus to an itching sensation on my heart since the blood bags have been in sight. I could feel all my power flowing out of my heart and focusing onto my palm. 

I opened my eyes to see the blood slowly floating up from my palm and hovering in the air. I felt a new sensation ignite within me, something dark, something violent. Although I didn't like it, it gave me power nonetheless. 

I smiled as I focused on forming the blood into a ball and dropping itself back into the blood bag. The blood moved with ease when I thought about it, it felt easier than just now, and I liked it, I liked the feeling of this power, it lit a fire inside me that I thought would never ignite. 

But no, I couldn't give in to this dark feeling... this sinful feeling... I couldn't give in... I have to fight it. 

I lowered my hand despite the feeling urging me to do more, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, calming myself and locking that sensation away. 

I smiled to myself and looked up to see Wilbur and Dream in a tense position. I cocked my head sideways in confusion and after a while, Wilbur and Dream seemed to relax with sigh of relief. 

'What?' I said while walking over to Dream and plopping down beside him. 

'Nothing Georgie, you did great.' Dream smiled and pulled me into him, planting a soft kiss on my lips. I blushed and smiled back, looking up at him. 

'That's really good George, you really are special...' Wilbur said to me and smiled like a proud father. 

'Now we just have to practice.' Wilbur said to me and I sighed, he walked over to us and sat down in front of us, bringing the blood bag with him. 

We spent the next hour with me forming shapes with the blood and trying to take the blood out of Dream's reach so he wouldn't drink all of it. I still got that dark feeling but after more and more practice, it seemed to give up on taking control and went away to sulk. 

I sighed as I leaned back into Dream, I was tired but not exhausted, which was surprising since I thought that controlling blood might take more energy. 

'I think that's enough for today's banquet. I would like you guys to stay in your rooms so there will be no commotion when the other vampires see you and Niki unchained in the banquet.' Dream said and Wilbur nodded thoughtfully, agreeing with him. 

We went back to our rooms afterwards, Dream led me back to our room and got me ready for the banquet, himself getting ready too. 

We were all ready to go and Dream pulled me over to him before we left for the banquet. 

'I'm sorry George, I have to warn you, there will be human slaves tonight in the middle of the room as self serve blood bags and although I know you probably won't, you cant disobey me at all. Do you understand George?' Dream warned me quietly and I nodded while gulping, this was a side of Dream I haven't seen in a long time, this was before he started treating me nicely. 

I've decided to be a good pet and just do what ever he wants since he could've treated me way more harshly than he had treated me, so I will repay him as much as I can. At least I hope I can. 

double updates in a day pog? lmao

anyways hope you guys liked this chapter, it was pretty fun to write, please vote and comment! luv y'all <3

word count: 1769 words.

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