You live on my mercy..

Start from the beginning

Hayley glanced at the square velvet box questioningly "I hope you're not choosing to propose to me in a car" she joked trying to ease the building tension.

Kara rolled her eyes "Please give me more credit, I'm much more classier than that." She said and opened the box, it was a rose gold tennis bracelet, with a small howling wolf charm attached. "It had occurred to me that I missed your birthday, and I decided to get you something to make up for my lapse."

Hayley stared at the bracelet with a small blush "It's gorgeous, you didn't have too.. it must've cost a fortune."

Kara shook her head "Think nothing of it, money is of no object to me" she said softly "May I?" She asked gesturing to the gift, Hayley nodded. Kara slipped the bracelet on left left wrist "I had it charmed as well, it will work as locator spell, one of Claire's personal spells— it can't be replicated. So if I ever need to find you cloaked or not It will lead me to you"

Hayley's eyes widened "It must've been a very complicated spell." She whispered "Thank you it means a lot"

Kara nodded and caressed Hayley's jaw "I'm sorry about nearly losing my temper with you" she apologized"I just.."

Hayley shook her head and pulled Kara into a soft sweet kiss "No.. you weren't angry at me, I know. I like to think that I've come to know you quite well these few months.."

Kara pressed her forehead against Hayley's "oh? And what have you learned?"

Hayley's snickered "You're a closet romantic, you can be incredibly sweet with those who deserve it, you're quick witted, you enjoy dry and darker humor." She paused caressing the slightly crinkle above Kara's eye "and you get a crinkle right here.." she pointed "You form the crinkle whenever you're plotting someone's demise"

Kara stared at Hayley for a long while before laughing "Well.. I suppose you are right , I am planning someone's demise — but it won't be Marcel no I have a way to hurt him and I will enjoy it."

Hayley sighed but didn't convince Kara not to take her pound of flesh. "Just be careful you told me to never believe you're invulnerable— that has been proven with that dagger that was stuck into your chest, so when you approach Marcel keep your guard up."

Kara hummed "I shall do as you ask little wolf, now as much as I wish to spend eternity with you .. I'm afraid this is where we part ways for now.. unless you've decided to come home?" She asked hopefully.

"Will Cassandra be there?"

Kara shook her head "I think my reaction tonight was very public and she'll not trust me entirely" she sighed "Which means we still have a tentative alliance in regards to keeping each other mutually satisfied"

Hayley raised a brow "So you're not sleeping together anymore?"

Kara shook her head "No, I think she's running out of time, the reaping needs to be completed and to do so she needs to die— but she won't want to and if she body jumps into another witch — the ancestors will punish her so I think she's looking for ways to appease them, one of them may include my mothers extensive grimoires, they carry magic running through their veins." She finished "But my protection keeps her from being attacked by Vampires and hybrids. The deal we made to create the moonlight rings for your pack and mine.. will gain the werewolves favor and sort of appease your kind due to past grievances."

Hayley' sat back in her seat processing everything Kara told her "Everything seems so complicated, you're manipulating her aren't you?"

Kara chuckled "Well spotted, my mother was a very strong witch. Cassandra is a Delacour meaning she has enough power to do the spell. I would have asked Claire but she's too preoccupied with learning to channel her visions, it would help us if she could conjure them up on whim— instead of them coming through sporadically as they have been. Besides I have no intention on giving her my mothers grimoire — she's simply a means to an end."

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