The 2 dumbasses & Sukuna

803 40 5

Neko! Sub! Toji
Fem! Dom! Reader

The way I'd let Sukuna's original form rearrange my gu-

Ok on with this chapter


{No one's pov}

Y/n went to the 3 nekos, they look at her as the one with more marks on his face gets between them ready to attack Y/n,

"It's ok you 3 I'm Y/n, I see that you aren't the the best conditions so I wanted to help" she backs up a bit as the brunette had stars in her eyes.

"you mean the Y/n l/n?! Doesn't your family run a famous art school?!" Y/n chuckled and nodded, as the girl runs up Y/n rubbing her hands on a clean towel she had in her pockets and shakes Y/n's hands, "it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Nobara and these 2 are my best friend his twin, they are Itadori and call the other Sukuna."

The one with less face markings waved as the other looked away, Y/n giggled and looks at Toji while saying,

"This is Toji my neko, hey why don't you 3 live with us, our home has enough room" Toji looked at the 3 not to pleased of what Y/n was doing.

Nobara smiled "really!? We would be honored!!" Y/n looked at the twins and smiled as she walked away all 4 nekos followed her to her pent house.

{Nobara's pov}

I looked at Y/n again, to me she gave off this big sister aura that felt nice and calming even Sukuna looks like he thinks so!

"Ok you 3, I'll have the maids set up baths and get clothes" Y/n smiled at us.

{Itadori pov}

I liked this lady she's very nice, her place is massive though! Didn't Nobara said that her family runs some type of School? I sit on the couch as Nobara hits me on the head,

"Ow!" I yell grabbing head.

"Hey!! Wait until your clean to sit down!" She yelled at me.

{Sukuna's pov}

The woman acted extremely nice, but this Toji guy seems to hate us, we are in his owners home, but she did invite us all he could do is try to act nice..

{Toji's pov}

The 1 thing I hate about Y/n, she's to kind to others, I was freaking out a bit want if they want all her attention, I won't let that happen she is my owner.

{Y/n's pov}

I didn't act like it, but I felt the negative energy coming from Toji as the maids came back and told me the baths were ready as Sukuna, Nobara, and Itadori were let to their baths.





"This is going to be so much fun"

🔞Kitty~❤️ {Neko! Toji X Fem! reader}🔞Where stories live. Discover now