Zel's muscles loosened as he dropped his shoulders. A sigh of relief escaping his lips. Dropping the black fabrics and swords onto the ground he rushed over and hugged me. Breathing in my scent as if to conform it was me. "I'm sorry I scared you but I had to change my look to avoid the emperor" I apologized rubbing his back comfortingly. "No, It's alright I understand" he reassured pulling away. He scanned my new face for few seconds before smiling "Besides I like this new look. I think it suits you very well" He complimented.

"Thank you" I smiled

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"Thank you" I smiled.

Not wanting to waste anymore time the two of us quickly, put on the black, dusty cloak on, lifting up the hood to cover our face. We both picked up a sword which Zel had stolen from the knights training ground. They were a little big but not something the two of us couldn't handle. Sometimes When the Knights would go on expeditions we would sneak into the training grounds and practise swordsmanship. There the two of us discovered our passion for swordsmanship. We would practise any given opportunity we could. Thanks to both of us being quick and diligent learners were were able to nail the basics.

The two of us looked at each other , serious. Nodding our heads I casted a noise cancelling and invisibility spell on the two of us. This would our escape to be more effective and lower our chances of being caught. The two of us ran side by side, sprinting towards the door leading towards the back door garden. To avoid the hourly patrolling knights we had to move quick, Zel skilfully sliced the lock of the door open. Lifting my foot I kicked the door open, The noise cancelling spell being in effect silenced the sound of the door being slammed.

With time being of the essence we sprinted out into the garden, running towards the back of garden. Once we reach there the only thing we wold have left to do is climb the wall and make our was out of the forest. We were only a few meters away from the wall when I started to feel tired. I began cursing under my breath. All of the spells I had been was catching up to me. No matter how many spells I know, I am still in a child's body. I was bound to get exhausted easily.

Still I had push through for just 5 more minutes and then all will be fine. "Mal. Are you okay? I told you using so many spells at once was dangerous." Panicked Zel stopping in tracks to support me. "I'm fine. Our first priority is getting out of here not me, isn't that right" I reminded. Zel looked at me with a complicated Look, I could tell his was internally having a debate with himself. As much I appreciate his love for me, I really do wish that sometimes he would put his love for me aside and focus on the task at hand. Especially now that's it just the two of us. "Get on my back. I'll carry you the rest of the way" said Zel crouching down onto his knees. His back facing me. His arms out behind him to support my climb. "N-no. It's fine. Ill probably be too heavy." I said waving my hands as if saying that's its fine. "Get on." commanded Zel in a scary tone. I felt the hairs on my arm and back of my neck stand up at his scary tone.

I gulped and carefully climbed onto his back. Once I was securely on his back, Zel stood up with surprisingly much ease. "Am I not too heavy?" I whispered in hi ear. "Not really. Your also a lot smaller than any average eight year old." answered Zel. "Well excuse me, Your not tall for an eight year old either" I gasped acting offended. Zel just chuckled at my remake whilst continuing to run with me on my back.

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