Lucifer smiled sweetly "Only if you want."

"I don't." Cassie placed her hand in his "But I don't want to kiss you." That was a lie, Cassie wanted to continue what they had been doing for the past two days even if she was forced to forget it.

Lucifer caught her lie as he lead her down to the fireplace lit bedroom.

Cassie took in the solid black floor and the solid red walls; she took in their shadows as the shadows danced along the flickers of light.

Lucifer pushed open the bedroom door for her.

She took a step inside the room.

The four post bed had disappeared, in its place sat a three seater black leather lounge and a lone black leather chair. A red fur rug sprawled out in front of the fireplace.

Cassie tossed her glance to Lucifer as he stepped in behind her.

"Sometimes change is good." He took her hand, leading her towards the lounges.

Lucifer helped her sit down on the three seater lounge, he relaxed himself down on the lone chair.

Cassie let her gaze drop down to the red rug, she let her gaze shift to the fireplace. Feeling the warmth from it.

She closed her eyes as she took in the silence.

Cassie reopened her eyes; she was still in the fireplace lit room.

Lucifer smiled a little as he studied her features. The way curiosity wrote itself all over her body language, not even an ounce of scaredness filled her mind or body language, just curiosity.

It had made Lucifer curious; no one had returned a second time let alone a third time. No one had wormed their way into his mind like she had. No one had made him beg for her to come back for a second, let alone a third time like she had.

Cassie stayed silent as she sat comfortably on the lounge "Why are you sitting away from me?"

Lucifer stayed silent as he watched her.

"Did you send me those messages?"

Lucifer nodded slightly.

"Why? I don't know who you are, I don't know why I'm here. Is this some trick from my mother?"

Lucifer listened to her words, her words that made very little sense to him. Of course Cassie didn't know who he truly was. He wasn't playing a trick on him, it was her that was beckoning to come back and see him, it was her that was beckoning to read messages from him, it was her that was showing him something he hadn't done in the past.

"Lucifer?" She spoke his name to herself "What kind of person is called Lucifer."

"The Devil." He calmly spoke.

Cassie flicked her gaze to him "The Devil doesn't exist."

Her answer had intrigued him "Heaven and Hell exist."

Cassie shrugged a little "To some but not to me, I don't care for any of those ideas."

Lucifer hid his curiosity as red burned in his eyes, his fingers tapped on the armrest of his chair. He didn't hate her answer, he was supposed to. He was supposed to question her mindset on religion, but he couldn't, and he couldn't understand why.

Cassie studied his features; she could've sworn his hair was blonde but under the flicker of the fireplace his hair was a shade of black.

She felt like her mind was playing tricks on her.

Lucifer was allowing Cassie to take her time to soak in the moment, he knew she was fighting against the blocks he had put up in her mind. He knew that she desired to remember him for as long as she lived.

He watched as she shifted her gaze to the fireplace. He watched as she seemed relaxed.

There was something about Cassie that intrigued him, and they know both it.

"Where am I?" She finally worked up the courage to ask.

Lucifer knew he needed to tell a lie, no mere mortal did well with the truth. It was his turn to work up the courage to say "Hell."

Cassie couldn't help but burst out laughing "Lucifer, I've watched enough to know hell isn't this. It's foul stenches and time loops."

Lucifer raised an eyebrow.

"Hell isn't this." It was almost like Cassie was needed to convince herself rather than Lucifer.

"Hell is entirely up to the person. It can draw out your guilt, your desires or almost always your guilty desires."

"Am I dead?" She ignored his words.

Lucifer was quick to shake his head "of course not."

"Will I end up here when I die?"

Again Lucifer was quick to shake his head. He felt certain of his answer "Cassandra."

Cassie cringed.

"Cassie" He corrected himself "Holmes, you certainly won't end up in hell."

Cassie didn't feel an ounce of fear in his words; it was as if she believed his words.

Cassie didn't feel an ounce of fear in his words; it was as if she believed his words

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Cassie felt safe scooped up in his arms as he held her. She rested her head against his chest as they floated upwards.

Cassie didn't feel him land with a soft step in her bedroom.

Lucifer carefully placed her down on her bed.

Cassie looked up at Lucifer, the dark sky calling out to his shadow "Please don't let me forget." It was almost as if she was begging.

Lucifer smiled a little "I won't." he leaned down and kissed her cheek.

Cassie watched as Lucifer soaked through the floor.

She kept her gaze on the spot he had stand, no remnants of him left behind. 

Devil Dances (DD Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora