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The lights are flickering. Constantly.

"Young Seokjin." Geom's voice came as a choked out whisper from her dry throat, both her and Jin couldn't move a muscle.
They were standing in the middle of an empty hallway, both unsure what to do.
A long monstrous arm emerged from darkness, swayed left and right.
In slow motion.
Then the arm smashed the only source of light they had.

His heart threatened to explode as he stared wide-eyed at Jungkook, who was trying to shake him awake out of his sleep, Seokjin's hair was sticking out in every direction, he had his nails against his husband's neck in an attempt to defend himself from the sudden attack.

"Jesus Jungkook." Seokjin hissed, still recovering from his nightmare.
"You saw a vision."
"I know that look in your eyes. And it was about Gyunsun. My office."
"Am still a bit sleepy, how about we-"
In one swift motion Jk picked him up and headed towards the office, leaving their little cub to sleep alone in his bed.

"You are underestimating me here. I can tame Gyunsun. I've dealt with demons before."
"Good argument you got there. The 25 tall flesh eating devil? Why are you hell bent on pissing me off. You are to stay inside, safe with your hybrid child not go around."At this point their argument was getting heated. Seokjin emotions were all over the place, but one thing he held to was his stubbornness and anger.

"Jeongseok wanted to play outside. As you said, my "hybrid" child is half werewolf and werewolves are bond to nature."
"You do realise that you-"
"Jungkook, whatever you're going to say about me being a sickly omega you better shove that back in your throat."

"You need to know your place."
Jungkook stood behind him. Moved the hand from his shoulder to his hair, gently massaging the scalp before he gripped into the roots slightly pulling back, forcing an eye contact.
"Or do I need to fuck that attitude out of you."
Seokjin looked back, familiar with the way Jungkook's wine eyes were raking over his face and neck.

"Go ahead."
Jk grazed his sharp teeth against Jin's skin, feeling his quickened pulse. On the other hand Seokjin could feel him smirking against his bare neck.
He did his husband the favour of pulling down his white shirt, exposing his shoulders, adding a little bit of teasing with a nip slip.
With that he sank his teeth into the jugular, finally getting a taste.


It was a blessed occasion. The packs were gathered over a gigantic feast to celebrate the full crimson moon.
Alphas and betas were kicked out of their house to prepare the yard.
The omegas were in control of the kitchen, preparing crazy amounts of food to feed every single member of the pack from the oldest wolf to the youngest cub.

When time comes the Ama, spiritual leader and guide of the wolves, will bless the rosemary and thyme they collected then it'll be burned under the moon light.

"Alpha Taehyung just looked at you."
Yeri whispered to her daughter and they both giggled.
Tae was deep in thoughts and memories, remembering that one time Seokjin let him sneak into the kitchen and be the first to taste the moon cakes made by the pack's elderly women.

"You're daydreaming again."
"I warned you this happens often. I warned you and you didn't care to hear it well. So listen and hear it now. At any given point the vampires will attack. And our pack don't know that they have a future leader who can't even function during a simple feast." His father scolded with a condescending look on his face.

His father is a good leader. But only a good leader when it comes to the pack's safety. His never dying ego was one thing Taehyung grew up dealing with and his never ending hatred toward omegas especially his late omega.

Chaos On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara