Liquid smooth

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"One child. Or so I've heard."
"Yes. A boy."
"Seokjin where do you think you're going?" He tried to walk straight, but his legs were so sore he couldn't help but limp out into the large corridor.
Behind him was Yoongi. Following his every step until they exited through a side door.
"The council. They want to see him."
"Are they mad? You barely made it through child birth."
"No. But Jungkook's not here. He is in Bloodpit paying respect to the original. It's their words against mine. We cannot stir a conflict."

Now that he walked more than 20 steps, the grinding fatigue of exhaustion was more prominent than ever. It felt like an effort just to keep his feets going.
"At least, let me hold him for you."
"No. Don't."
Seokjin cradled the newborn more protectively in his arms. Still Yoongi offered his arm warily, encouraging Seokjin to take. To lean on him for a bit of support.
They stood still for a moment, Seokjin grunting in pain under his breath, unable to open his eyes for few seconds.
"Yoongi, did Jeonseok hear?"
" I was told that my screaming during labour disturbed all of your dead ancestors."
They shared a "laugh" stare before going on their way.
"Geom made sure he stayed in the music room in the neighbour tour from the first sign you've shown."

The lord of the north sat at the head of the table, with a smile full of teeth you'd mistaken him for a vicious shark. All the noises stopped when the door was widely opened for Seokjin and his servants.
Jin could almost feel the drastic change in the air as he, his newborn and Yoongi joined them. The calm atmosphere ramped up to a buzzing tension as they all sat down. No one spoke a word, their eyes focused on one thing and one thing for sure.
The baby.

To his muse, their noses wrinkled as they sniffed in Jin's direction. The tension growing thicker and thicker the more he exists in the same room as them. "You reek of blood."
"I just gave birth," Seokjin replied quietly, posed for a second when the infant in his arms was rubbing his tiny face against his chest. Mouth chasing after some nourishment. "-You asked to see him."

Suddenly the lord's face was before his. His hand touching the infant's face which got his attention. His teeth were ready to detach the lord's arm from his shoulder if he tried anything funny.
The lord went rigid. His nostrils flared then he bit his lip and glanced over at his fellow, whom was worried but silent.
"It's a pure blood."
"We know. You always knew." Yoongi noted drily.


Taehyung scream cut sharp through his ear, it was a close call for Hoseok. He almost got his neck bit by a blood thirsty creature. His back ached from the fall after he tripped over one of his members' body. He hadn't known what to think when he saw slaughtered wolf.

Hoseok, only armed with claws and teeth charged at the enemy, pulling both of his massive jaws apart, ripping them apart then crushed down the skull with his feet, stomping on it with his sharp boots. His actions were fueled by revenge for his lost comrade.

Earlier that day, they were peacefully travelling to the western pack to deliver a message only for their wagons to be attacked by blood thirsty creature that are called the "night creepers".
The screams, smells and events that followed after would be forever engraved into their memories.

The pack poured black oil on their swords and lit them up to brightens the road ahead. Their action revealed a nightmarish scene with hundreds of night creepers crawling towards them.
"WHO LET THEM OUT?!" Jimin shouted
Breath uneven and short, trying to keep his guard up cause these motherfuckers seems to double in number instead of lessening.
"Protect your necks and gut them." Taehyung announced one more time, wondering in this will be his beautiful ending and if he would see Seokjin there.


"You are no fit to bear a pure blood."
The lord dared to speak, tone packed with hatred.
Seokjin knew too much was said when Yoongi scent shifted more drastically, a rush a adrenaline went through his exhausted body, his hand reached for Yoongi's for some type of grounding and control.
"I just gave birth to him lord Jaem-hee."

"One more word, and your tongue will be severed in our wine jar my lord."
Yoongi added. Eyes never leaving the lord's.
Within the blink of an eye, Jaem-hee's head, rolled down on the table and his headless body fell on the ground.
Everyone gasped including Seokjin whom hid his newborn's face completely in his chest.

"He can keep that nasty tongue, you know I like my wine clean Hyung."
One of Jaem-hee's men screamed, slamming a glass on the table.
"Whom idea was to drag Seokjin here. Other than headless Jaem. Answers."
The silence ate everyone's tongue up.
"No answers. Then it's the war between us."
Seokjin's eyes widened at the statement. He met Jungkook's gaze and slowly mouthed the words "don't" "please"

"Still no answers?"
"Y-your grace, we beg your forgiveness. It was my and the lord's idea. We doubted Kim Seokjin."
"For that, you committed treason. And for that you will be punished."


Jin got up to his feet unsteadily. He felt dragged out, his energy thinning to nonexistance, but he managed to limp after his husband.
"Jin stop. You cannot move in that state."
Geom came as soon as Yoongi snapped his fingers. She took the newborn to bath.
"Tell someone to bring Jeonseok to his room." Seokjin reached and took Jungkook's arms after he refused being carried like a helpless princess. He let Jungkook fix a few errant strands of his wild hair, that was still sweaty and messed.
"I need a covered in blood." Seokjin complained, tightening his hold on Jungkook, halting him to a stop to catch his breath. However his husband wasn't having it anymore and carried him in his arms and before he could complain Jk calmed him down with the say "That makes us two."

Jk slowly washed Seokjin's hair from all the residue after using a herbal shampoo. He caught the omega staring deeply into his eyes. It wasn't admiration, love or anything positive but it wasn't discomfort either. For some reason he couldn't point out what was behind Jin's caramel eyes.

"I came face to face with death today. It's not my first time."
Jungkook remained silent, still untangling the hair. Jin knew he was listening.
"It felt familiar. Being on the verge of death.. Just like...back in the cave. When the werewolves.."
"What if it was me? Who did this to you?" Jungkook whispered.
"What do you mean?"
No answers.
Just a kiss on his forehead and neck. Exactly where Jungkook placed his "mating mark"


To be continued...

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