Show on the Road

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Chapter 5: Show on the Road

I don't want to write this chapter mainly because the rest of the shopping bores the shit outta me. Hence why I haven't written it for over 6 months. I don't wanna write the wand getting and pet getting and stuff because it's boring af hence why it will be skipped. I'm sorry these first few chapters haven't been that good but I wanted to write this story because I wanted to write a Hogwarts / boarding school Pertemis story. Problem is that I had to make 5 chapters of establishment. I know it's also kinda rushed to go from them arriving the day before to them being on the train in the same chapter but all the stuff I wanted done in Grimmauld Place was established in the dinner scene - they hate the Potters, like Sirius and Remus and are way cooler than their brother.

Oh yeah, last thing. Should I change the characters' names? I like Hadrian and Cali but not really enthusiastic about Nero and Caligula. Originally I was just like okay well Hadrians a Roman Emperor so what's some other emperors? Ah yes, Caligula the girl and Nero the skinny glasses wearing teenager. To be fair it kinda does make a bit of sense cause purebloods love Roman names but c'mon, Nero and Caligula? 2021 me was straight retarded. I could probably even find better Emperor names. Idk. She'd still be Cali but I want a better birth name.

Idk about their younger brother. Antoninus (Anton)? Constantine? Valentinian (Val)? Alexander? Idk yall suggest new names cause I ain't vibing with Caligula n Nero and i'm wholeheartedly willing to go back and change em. Hadrian can stay, the fandom likes that one for Harry.

Percy: 13" driftwood, thestral hair, rigid

Cali: 12.5" cedar wood, dragon heartstring, unbending

Artemis: 10.75" dogwood, werewolf hair, rigid

Apollo: 12.25" laurel wood, phoenix feather, swishy

Chapter 5: Show on the Road

The four teens carried their bags with them as they went. Artemis and Apollo had backpacks since they came as deep as they willed it. Percy and Cali on the other hand had full luggage bags since being demigods they didn't have the luxury of mind spaces.

They came as a caravan. James and Sirius were at the front of the pack leading the four Americans as well as Nero, Hermione and the Weasleys. Lily and Remus brought up the rearguard with Arthur while Molly sorta just scrambled around the teenagers sorting her kids out at the last minute.

Since she didn't have her hands full carrying a bag Artemis felt free to link her hand with her boyfriend's, leaning into him as a sort of coping mechanism. She hadn't taken this whole thing well. 4000 years of getting her way undermined by the thing she loved most being threatened, her boyfriend. In the past if there was a problem she'd either kill it or it would be too late and she'd grieve. Rarely had a problem threatening the life of someone she loved been active. Zoe's death hadn't been on her mind until it was too late to do anything. Any of her hunter's deaths would not have been an issue because Artemis would not have dwelled on it until it happened. Here, it was as though an invisible god was holding a knife to Percy's throat and she was forced to pretend nothing was wrong lest his throat be cut.

Percy was impressed and proud of her. He was surprised she hadn't nuked the entirety of London already.

Apollo still felt pretty nauseous after Hecate made him magic. It felt unnatural, like this was not supposed to be. Well, it kinda wasn't. But either way he got to kick around with his little sis and cousins for a school year and maybe get lucky a bunch what with these students all being confined to a single building.

Cali had sighed a lot today. Tired and not in the mood she scowled at all the depressing British commuters as they walked. Percy had a feeling she would end up being a bit of a Debbie downer at school. She knew how to sulk and their circumstance had him wholly believing she would spend a lot of the year doing so.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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