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Chapter 1: Uncovered

Lot of liberties will be taken such as skipping over Cali and Percys traumatic childhood and the prophecy being for their 15th birthday instead of 16 so Kronos is defeated by the time the twins need to go to Hogwarts.

Chapter 1: Uncovered

Hadrian Sirius Potter was born in the early morning hours of July 31st 1993 (fuck you HP canon that's why) to James and Lily Potter, two of the most renown wizards of their generation. His black hair and green eyes were very much reminiscent of his parents, and his bright smile and erratic movements brought much joy to his parents as they gazed upon their firstborn.

After half an hour more of painful pushing, they were blessed with another baby. A beautiful little girl, black hair like her father and brother but with hazel eyes instead of green. They named her Caligula Lily Potter.

They thought it was over and were ready to properly meet their children until Lily's contractions started back up and she keeled forward in pain. The nurses quickly took Hadrian and Caligula back out of the room and set to work delivering this unexpected third child. Surprisingly, even though Cali had been an easier birth than Hadrian simply because her womb was now stretched and ready, the birth of this third child felt like she was starting from square one.

James feared the worst as his wife wailed at the pushing, desperate to give birth and rid her body of these annoying fetuses. It took another hour of labor but eventually a third baby crowned and popped out. A boy they named Nero James Potter. He was an almost exact clone of his father, who was also his second namesake. The boy had a cheeky grin plastered on his face from birth and the same messy black hair and hazel eyes.

All were named after famous Roman Emperors. Lily had chosen Hadrian as she thought it would bring good fortune to her oldest son if she named him after arguably the most successful emperor. James had chosen Caligula for their girl saying that it was a unisex name and Caligula was loony. Lily hadn't liked it at first but relented. Upon finding out they had another son, James chose Nero on the spot as it was just a cool name.

After a while all three were presented to the friends of the parents, and godfathers were named. Sirius was godfather of his namesake Hadrian Sirius, Remus over Cali and Peter was to be godfather to young Nero.

And now here they lay 15 years later minus Nero. The other twins were both in Hadrian's bed in his hot and smelly room in their NYC apartment owned by their adoptive mother Sally. Hadrian, or Percy as he now referred to himself, wore only a pair of basketball shorts while Cali had on a white tank top and some jogging shorts. The twins' black hair was sprawled all over the bed, nearly tangling in each other's.

In between them a girl lay actually under the sheets, her auburn hair equally spread over the pillow. Her creamy skin glistened in the early morning sunlight as she buried herself in Cali's embrace. The former Potter girl was in an unconscious happy state as Artemis, her brother's girlfriend, cuddled into her tight.

It was an unusual sight for the Greek goddess of archery and virginity to be snuggling with an actual man but it was the reality that had been for around a year now. Ever since the twins had saved her from Atlas and the Weight of the Sky she had held feelings for the demigod and she had finally gotten the courage to admit them to him after the twins were celebrated as heroes in the Battle of the Labyrinth.

The three were in bed the morning after a night of passion, barely a week after the twins defeated Kronos and saved the Greek world. The night before, Artemis had been all too happy to continue with her incessant 'rewarding' of her hero for saving the world and Percy was happy to take the reward. Then early in the morning California Jackson had returned from a night of partying and had likely found the wrong room and couldn't be bothered turning around. Thankfully by the time she arrived Percy and Artemis were out cold so she wasn't traumatized again.

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