The first thing I needed to do was get to them fast. And what came to my mind to achieve that goal was. . .

"HAWKS!" I screamed as soon as I got in range of the Hero.

He had just finished securing the flying Nomu along with some of his sidekicks when I came racing around the corner. He looked up at me and was about to say something snarky, but I cut him off.


The red winged Hero jolted back slightly at my volume with a concerned expression replacing his cocky smile.


"No time to explain! Please!" I cut him off again, but this time I was directly in front of him.

It took exactly three seconds for him to register my plea and I watched as his eyes flickered from confusion to comprehension. His brows pulled down into a serious expression and he gave a firm nod.

"Let's go. Everyone else, secure the Nomu," he said as his wings swiftly unfolded with a 'woosh' sound.

Suddenly, we were off with a single beat of his wings. He held me bridal style as we flew through the city at an alarmingly fast speed. I stared at the streets below as we flew over Best Jeanist, then Endeavor, then finally we were approaching the alleyway where Stain and the others were fighting. . .

And there they were.

As planned, Sir Nighteye, Bubble Girl, Mirio, Native, and two sidekicks kept Stain in the center of the alleyway as they blocked each end. The Hero Killer looked tired and out of breath, his chest heaving while he clutched a katana in his hand. It appeared Bubble Girl was holding a wound on her arm while Native looked like he could barely stand on his feet as he clutched his side. Mirio looked untouched, no doubt his quirk the reason, and Nighteye seemed unscathed too.

However, running directly towards the fight were two extra people I did not expect to see after altering this future:

Midoriya and Gran Torino.

Yes, I saw Midoriya get involved in the fight when I first used my future vision. But I expected after altering this outcome he'd never show up.

I was wrong.

"Drop me directly over them!" I ordered Hawks.

"What?! I can't do that! What if Stain-"

"If you don't drop me right now Gran Torino will die!" I retorted as I started fidgeting to get out of his hold.

Time slowed down as I fought to get out of Hawks' arms.

I quickly glanced down to see Stain lunge forward with his katana poised to strike; his attack aimed at Native.

When Hawks didn't let go, I rammed my elbow into his chest and caused him to drop me.

While the Hero Killer flew toward the injured Hero in an attempt to finish him off, Midoriya flew forward with green lightning encompassing his entire body. The green haired boy soared past Bubble Girl and Mirio with his fist reeled back to deliver a blow to Stain, but Stain caught sight of him. His murderous gaze snapped to the boy and something seemed to have clicked behind his red irises.

Since I was high above the action, I had enough time to flip myself over midair like a skydiver then went into a free fall.

Meanwhile below me, with lightning fast reaction time the Hero Killer started angling his attack toward Native AND Midoriya. His rugged katana tilted sideways so he could perform a clean slice to hit both of them. Everyone else was slowly jumping to action, but they were too late at this point.

Timeless Hero | BNHA OC FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now