I am just writing this to wish you well.

Your Friend

Ross V. Poldark

Ross took the envelope out and placed it in the out-letter tray. Later on, in the day Demelza was going through emails, deciding if she should bring Ross in on one from a Company in America wanting to know if it would be possible to sit down to do business. When Jenny came in. Jenny had a worried look on her face. She said, Demelza can I speak to you, Demelza said "sure, what do you need" She said, I found this in the out-letter box. She showed Demelza the letter to Elizabeth. She recognized the handwriting to be Ross's. She handed it back to Jenny. Jenny asked, "do you think someone her is telling Elizabeth trade secrets to get even with you and Ross?" Demelza laughed, "hardly unless it is Ross that is his handwriting. Jenny's eyes bugged out of her head, why would he do that. "She kidnapped him," Demelza played it off as just trying to show her kindness. In her mind she was putting together a totally different scenario.

Her and Ross barely spoke on the way home. She decided to send him the email from the firm in America asking for a collaboration. He questioned her on it wondering why she didn't investigate it like she normally would. She asked, if he had anything unusual happen in the past two days, which he answered, "No." That was the height of their conversation.

As usual as soon as they got home Demelza took her son to the nursery to feed him. His mother had seen something in Demelza's eyes but thought better then to try to interfere. Joshua and her had put their noses in a lot of places that should be kept between the two now they were married. They needed to learn their own mistakes. Ross came in gave his son a kiss on the head. Then went down to the gym, when he was done there, he went up to the dining room where his mother was putting supper on the table, he asked she didn't come down yet. Yes, she is in the kitchen. He walked in saw his son sitting it the jumper and picked him up. "How is Daddy's little boy, he asked Jeremy who cooed at him. Joshua came in and said to Ross, "do you want to know how many times he pooped today or peed." Then he looked at Jeremy and smiled "or you could tell him how many times grandpa kissed grandma." Jeremy smiled and cooed some more. Ross hadn't kissed her since the day before, what was happening were they going backwards. Was he tired of her? There was a time he would wait for her to go down to the gym to work out together now he goes by himself. She preferred to walk along the beach anyway.

At dinner Grace asked "Demelza how was your day?" She said, Verity and Caroline want me to go on a holiday with them? Ross looked up, "what, when, you can't go on holiday not now?" Demelza looked at him and said "why not Ross?" His answer shocked everyone, "there is too much to do in the office and you have Jeremy to look after, my parents are not your personal babysitters." Joshua spoke first, "son that is uncalled for she does not take advantage of us." Then Grace said, "as far as it goes we are also babysitting for you!" Jeremy started fussing since Ross was rather loud. Demelza got up picked up Jeremy and said, "Thank you Grace and Joshua, I am sorry if I imposed on either of you." She took Jeremy wrapped him in a blanket and walked down to the beach.

Joshua and Grace both asked Ross what in the hell was his problem yelling at Demelza like he did. That girl does her share around here and then some. She is working two jobs for Christ sake, what do you want from her? "Honesty," Ross said and got up and got in one of the cars going to a bar in Mellon.

Demelza came home, went into the apartment, she got Jeremy ready of bed. Grace knocked at the door, Demelza left her in and led her into the nursery where she placed a blanket on her shoulder and fed her son. Once he was asleep Demelza took laid him down in his crib. She asked Grace if she would watch him while she showered. She came out, Grace asked, "is there something the matter dear." Demelza said, "I don't know I guess we are both tired." Grace nodded and said, "I'll see you in the morning." Demelza asked, "when is Jeremy scheduled for his shots?" Grace said, "oh I forgot they fit him in tomorrow." Demelza said, "then I will be taking the day off to take him." Grace looked at her and smile, "okay dear, but don't take what my son said to heart, like you said he is just tired." Demelza got a book out and laid down on the daybed in the nursery to read. Where she promptly fell to sleep.

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