Carry on?

154 15 3

Relic's POV

Trouble is something that always attracts me, it is a part of me and it flows through my blood, I always manage to attract it in the most safe and secure places. Most times I love it, but others I freaking despise it, because it got me to the place I am right now, a flipping correctional facility and in none other than the office of the owner aka guardian of the shit hole.

" You called for me Mr Bennett?" I ask him with a bored tone, I have so many more things to do in life than being here and I don't even know what the heck I did to be called here.

"Have a seat Relic" he says gesturing towards the dusty old worn out chair in front of his desk, there's no way in hell I'm sitting in that ancient thing.

"Thank you sir, but I'd rather stand".

He nods before sighing and leaning back into his seat which means I'm about to get lectured.

"Relic you can't keep going around beating people up" he starts which makes me confused, when was the last time I beat someone? I have no idea what he's talking about. "I didn't beat anyone" I reply slightly irritated

"Megan is unconscious right now cause of you and you say you didn't beat anyone up?" he all but yells at me signalling that I've somehow gotten to his nerves, which is a miracle cause I'm a very sweet person. And who the heck is Megan?

"I'm sorry for asking but... who's Megan?" I ask honestly even trying my best to look innocent. He sighs again and pinches the bridge of his nose in frustrating, honestly I know I might have had a fight with a blonde headed bitch but I'm not going to admit that and get punished. "You don't even know her name" he mumbles under his breath in a very angry tone.

Sooooo, I've manage to get Mr Bennett angry which is something no one else has ever done, not that I can think of so yeah, I've achieved something today.

"You know what, just leave" he says in a tight tone.

I don't know how but I've obviously managed to get on his nerves which is a miracle because I'm normally a flipping angel.


Shut up stupid subconscious

Anyway, I hurriedly go out of his office before he glares a hole through my head.


Staring at my roommate giving me the most irresistible puppy dog eyes as she begs me to help her arrange her wardrobe isn't how I planned the rest of my day but here we are.

"Please, I thought you like cleaning, just this once and I'll never ask again".

Can cuteness ever get annoying, cause I'm fighting my last braincells trying to ignore her and it's not working cause of those goddamn eyes.

"Get those devil eyes away from me and I'll do whatever you want" I whine wanting to go to sleep.

Her face lights up instantly and I now kinda feel happy I agreed. I'm kinda a people pleaser, don't come at me.

"God, thank you so so much, how much of an angel can you be?" She beams and I choose to ignore her.

I reluctantly get off of the comfort of my bed straightening it up till it looks perfect before going over to the other side of the room to her closet pulling it open only to be attacked by an army of clothes almost knocking me over.

"River, when you asked me to help, you could've told me that your wardrobe looks like a jungle, how am I even supposed to do start doing this?" I all but yell at her.

"Look on the bright side, you have something to do other than talking to me all day" she says sheepishly.

I let out a loud sigh before going over to her bed and dragging her out of it "Hey, be careful with me" she exclaims causing me to roll my eyes.

I dragged her all the way to the pile of madness she call clothes before I go sit down on her bed, she's going to do this whether she likes it or not.

She looks at me with a pleading look in her eyes and I smirk before pointing to the clothes "Start folding sunshine" she gives me a long whine and a long list of complains before finally starting to fold the clothes and hang the ones that need to be hanged.

An hour later and River is looking like a dejected cat while sprawled on the floor complaining about how I've successfully abused her today while I'm staring at her with a bag of chips on my lap.

"How do you keep your wardrobe so tidy all the time, are you even human?" She says finally sitting up.

"Try to pick out clothes calmly and it won't end up looking like a trash yard" I comment which earns me a glare from her.

"Whatever" she says before her eyes glance to my alarm clock before her eyes almost bulge out of their sockets.

"We have rehab class in five minutes" she panics while about to attack her newly arranged closet for clothes.

"Stoooooop" I scream which causes her to scream and jump before tripping on her own legs and landing on the floor with a large thump before she screams again "Is it a spider" she screeches while I burst out laughing.

Realizing it's nothing she jumps and tries to attack me making screech before she jumps on me.

"You do not make jokes like that young lady" she scolds me with an all too serious look on her face.

I totally forgot that she gets startled easily, but the damage is done.

"Hold up there mother hen, you can't start scolding me when I was trying to help you not to attack your clothes almost immediately after arranging them, now get up and and pick your outfit slowly and carefully" She glares at me for a little while before getting off of me and going to pick her clothes.

I stare at her for a while before I go over to my closet to change, I pick out a simple black sweatshirt and pair it with a jean short and then changing into them, I throw my hair into a bun, before turning to see River already dressed but still staring at her closet.

"We are already late River, what are you still doing" I ask her.

Honestly, I don't understand why it takes her so long to get dressed, I mean I just pick out whatever looks comfy and throw it on, but River always wants to make an impression even though there's absolutely nothing to impress here.

It's just a boring place where we're forced to watch videos about how to be a good person over and over again, pretty messed up if you ask me.

"I like seeing my closet this way, it's nice" I laugh at her antics and pull her out of the room and to the cursed rehab class we're fifteen minutes late for.

We run like our buts are on fire before we stumble into the hall where the consultation video is already playing with half the people in the room almost dozing off before all their eyes snap to us include the guardian in the room who stares at us with distaste in her eyes.

"Ummm.... Carry on?" I squeak out nervously.

Hi everyone, so this is my first book and I'm not even sure what the heck I'm doing but I hope you guys find it even a little bit readable and not as ridiculous as I think it is. Also thank you for checking out my book and I hope you won't be disappointed.


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