He was a sharp looking man in a luxury charcoal suit that bluntly pictured his social status. "Charles? Charles!" She exclaimed and threw herself at Charles Xavier to give her old friend a big, warm hug. They had been good friends since they were colleagues in Oxford University.

Their graduation led to their separation as Charles continued with his degree in Genetics, while Colleen flew to New York to work for Worthington Labs.

"Oh, it's been so long! I've missed you so–" She pulled from the hug after noticing there was another visitor standing next to Charles. The stranger stood taller than Charles, wearing a casual black turtleneck, trousers and a pair of dark shades that displays his masculine features.

"I've missed you too, old pal," Charles laughed. He was alerted by Colleen's dumbfounded look, "Oh, this is Erik Lehnsherr. Erik, this is Colleen." He introduced.

Colleen offered her hand at Erik, "Nice to meet you." It was returned with a plain nod and no words at all. She was just thinking of how rude that was but Charles already knew through his telepathic powers.

Apparently, as they were talking, the young intern had fled the scene, running for his life as he does. Colleen wondered, "Why is he so scared?"

Charles returned sarcastically while giving Erik a serious glare, "Not quite sure." He lied.

Still, that wasn't enough to ease her confusion. "What's going on?" She asked, still standing on the doorway with her arms fold.

"I'll explain everything inside, Colleen," said Charles. At the same time, demanding privacy for their conversation. "Can we come in?"

Immediately, Colleen let the two gentlemen inside her empty workplace. Empty wasn't exactly the work to describe her workplace. It was completely decorated with potted plants of various colors and kinds. Some of them rowing on a few shelves and some are hanging from the ceiling or on the wall.

Charles wasn't new to all of this. After all, he knew his old friend more than anyone else. While Erik, on the other hand, was rather baffled and freaked out by Colleen's 'crazy plant lady' vibes. However, she took no offense, since the look on Erik's face was something Colleen had received numerous times.

She sat behind her desk, while Charles took the seat facing the desk. She asked with her thick accent, "Charles, when did you get here? Why didn't you called?"

"Sorry about that," Charles apologized. "This is an urgent matter. You're the first person I thought of who could help us."

She held her hands together and began to listen attentively. "This seemed serious, what is this about?"

Before Erik joined into the conversation, he motioned his hand at the door and it slammed shut. Colleen's eyes jolted at the sight of this. A clicking sound was heard from the door that locked by itself. The next sound was silence. Erik seemed to be pleased by Colleen's reaction. She did not see that coming, but quickly, she realized.

"I see. You did it; you've found another mutant." She smirked. A part of her was proud at Charles. Discovering other mutants who are just like him has become his goals as he used to tell her many times back then.

The metal bender with those icy blue eyes approached and instead of taking his seat next to Charles, he leaned on a large bookshelf just beside the desk. "Are you going to tell her, Charles?" He asked, finally speaking his voice.

"You see, I discovered other mutants who are just like us," Charles began to explain. "However, not all of them have the same intention of using their powers for good."

Colleen did not understand, however, she was eager to. "What do you mean?"

"An evil mutant named Sebastian Shaw has plans to start World War III between U.S. and Russia," he continued. "Erik and I are working with the CIA to form a new mutant division in order to stop him."

Colleen scoffed at the idea of saving the world. She thought, "Fight fire with fire – I like that thinking, but... what's in it for me?" As she spoke, her index finger carerfully straightened one of the pens from its row that was sitting on her desk.

"Here you have the chance to be a part of something much bigger than yourself." Charles looked into her pale green eyes, persuading her with his words, easily getting inside her head without his superhuman powers.

She listened to Charles, taking his words in while making her decision. Being the spontaneous man that he was, Erik jumped into the conversation, "So, what is it that you do with plants?"

Her eyes were down, now they glowered at him. She gave him a sly smile, "Did you not tell him, Charles?" Of course, Charles told him. Erik just wanted to see how she does it.

She sat up straight, getting ready to show off. Like autumn was suddenly brought into the room, every living plant in the room blossomed gracefully into spectacular colors of leaves and flowers. Every species featured its exquisite beauty like an exhibition. "Lots of things." She answered.

Erik didn't seem amazed, merely pleased with what he had witnessed, but he was not an easy man to please. Charles had a wide amused grin on his face, "Colleen MacLeod, how would you like to become the first recruited member of Division X?" He offered.

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