The Tower of Terror

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~A/N; Since female Ash thinks more with her head instead of male Ash in this fanfic. Ashley's doing the smart decision and going to the Tower of Terror to capture Ghost Pokemon before battling Sabrina.~


Ashley and her friends continue their journey as they're on their way to try and capture one of the Ghost Pokemon that haunts the dreaded Pokemon Tower, in Lavender Town.


"Sorry for this detour guys. As much as I want to get the Marsh Badge, I'll need at least one Ghost Pokemon so that I can beat Sabrina."

"It's alright Ash," Misty says.

Brock continues; "She's right. The fact that you're taking your time to capture the right kind of Pokemon to battle someone proves that you're an excellent Trainer."

"Thank you, guys. But to be honest, I wanna hurry before it gets dark."

"Why's that Ashley?"

"Ghost Pokemon don't frighten me. But with the right kind of setting their actions on the other hand really scare me. Such as being in this dark and creepy tunnel. And it's all his fault!"

"I have to agree with you Ash," Misty says while rubbing her arms up and down to get rid of the goosebumps.

"But wait Ashley, what did you mean by 'his fault'? Brock asked.

"I'm talking about Gary. When we were children and Elly was still a Pichu it was a dark and stormy night, so I stayed over at Professor Oak's place. During that time, he talked about Lavender Town. And how the tower was once known as a gravesite for Pokemon called Pokemon Tower that holds services & memorials as people from great distances come to pay their respects. However, rumors later went around that the vengeful spirit of a Pokemon now haunts the tower where even Ghost Pokemon have now made it their home. Since then, it's been called the Tower of Terror. Then, a blackout happened and Professor had to go downstairs to check the circuit breaker with Elektra to see if it needed a jump start. I was so scared when the room suddenly got dark that it was as if I was paralyzed. Surprisingly Gary held my hand and told me 'Don't be afraid I gotcha.' Just hearing his voice and feeling the warmth of his hand gave me the strength not to be afraid anymore. It made me so happy. After saying 'You must confront your fears,' the lights came back on and as Gary turned around to face me he was wearing a skull mask. As I screamed he had the nerve to laugh at my face, that jerk!"

"He must have been crazy?!"

"Jokes are meant to be funny, that wasn't funny!"

"Thank you, at least you guys understand! Luckily, Elektra heard me screaming so she gave Gary a nice little shock attack. Regardless, I'll never forgive him for that!"

After passing through the dark tunnel during their conversation, our heroes finally arrived at Lavender Town.

After passing through the dark tunnel during their conversation, our heroes finally arrived at Lavender Town

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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