Challenge of the Samurai!

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A panoramic view of Viridian Forest is then shown, followed by Misty's scream.

"Misty, please don't scream in my ear when I'm driving the scooter. What's wrong this time?" Ashley asked as she stopped the motor vehicle.

"I think I see another bug! Gross!"

"It's not gross, it's a Weedle."

"Cool right? Later on, it'll evolve into a Beedrill

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"Cool right? Later on, it'll evolve into a Beedrill."

However, while Ashley was examining the Weedle, this hairy bug Pokemon rubbed itself on Misty's leg. Which resulted in her running away screaming.

"Don't worry Weedle, I still think you're neat. So how about a battle?"

("It's on!")

"Wow, you got fire in your eyes. Okay then Pidgeotto, I choose you!"

Pidgeotto starts the battle by using its Gust attack and then begins to dive, causing Weedle to be sent flying by the wind caused by the dive. Whereas, Misty walks away and is ambushed by a man in a suit of armor who pulls his sword out, asking if she's a trainer from Pallet Town.

She says no and he walks away, telling her not to shriek to avoid attracting a Beedrill swarm.

"What a weird kid, I wonder why he would be looking for a Pokémon Trainer from... Ah! That's Ash." Misty realizes Ashley will be in danger.

Back to the battle, Weedle attempts to use its Poison Sting attack but Pidgeotto dodges and dives once again, causing Weedle to be weakened. Ashley gets her Poké-ball ready but is interrupted by the man with the sword, who reveals his name to be Samurai.

 Ashley gets her Poké-ball ready but is interrupted by the man with the sword, who reveals his name to be Samurai

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"Greetings, am I addressing the Pokemon Trainer who comes from Pallet?"

"I am. My name is Ashley Ketchum. However, I'm about to catch this Weedle here-."

"I've found you at last," Samurai says, interrupting as he draws his sword, directing the blade at Ashley as a running Misty tries to warn our heroine. However, Samurai's apprehended. Ashley karate chopped his hand that was holding the weapon, grabbed his arm, and flipped the young man over her shoulder.

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