Charmander - The Stray Pokémon

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With a Bulbasaur and two Eevees as her newest Pokemon, Ashley, and her friends are making their way triumphantly to Vermillion City.
"I just can't go one step further. We've been looking for Vermillion City for 10 whole days. I'm going crazy, where are we?!" Misty states her frustration.

"It looks like we're in the middle of nowhere. However, route 24 leads right to Vermillion City." Ashley says, looking at the map.

"Alright! Then let's get this show on the road."

However, as they start to leave, a big shadow crosses their path. And the group sees that a Pokémon on the rock is a Charmander.

"You know, if I never found Elly a Charmander would've been my Starter Pokémon instead

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"You know, if I never found Elly a Charmander would've been my Starter Pokémon instead."

"Charmander looks to be in bad shape, Ash."

"Yeah, catch it and we'll take it to a Pokémon Center for help."

"Gotcha. Poke-Ball go!" Ashley throws the Poké-Ball and Charmander goes in, but it quickly comes back out.

"It sure has spunk."

"I wonder what's wrong with it?"

"I'm gonna go talk to Charmander and see what's wrong." Then Ashley climbs up on the rock and talks to Charmander. After the conversation was over she climbed down.

"What did Charmander say to you, Ash?"

"He's waiting on that rock for his Trainer to get him."

"It's Trainer?"

"If Charmander's waiting, I think we better leave him be."

"I hope his Trainer comes back soon. Take care of yourself, Charmander."

Further down the road, Ashley and her friends find out that there is a Pokémon Center on the map. Nevertheless, it starts pouring rain and they run to the Pokémon Center for shelter.

And yet, Charmander is still on the rock trying to protect the flame on his tail with a leaf.

And yet, Charmander is still on the rock trying to protect the flame on his tail with a leaf

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