18 - fruity

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now following, CHOI YERIM @%$^#& of EDEN. (? months ago)

yerim blankly stared at the unconscious body, slipping away. only faint beep noises filled the room. sooyoung inhaled deeply before asking, "how do you think we can save her from dying?" yerim didn't know how to answer. she was too busy containing her emotions. a pink haired girl stepped out from the shadows. "there's only one way."

she paused for a moment. she seemed to be collecting the correct words. "we have to search for them. one of them." a dazed yerim looked up at the pink haired girl. "the lectronium's attack was simply too powerful. bringing one of the gerx is the only way to wake vivi up." yerim didn't utter a single word. she just stared at the floor for a long moment before muttering a "..no."

the pink haired girl stepped forward to yerim and placed an arm on her shoulder. "we've tried everything at this point. do you see her sitting here gazing at the skies happily?" she had a point. yerim's eyes trailed back to where the someone named vivi was unconscious. she slipped out of the pink haired girl's grasp and moved to the corner of a room.

sooyoung walked up to her and rubbed her shoulder comfortingly. a few minutes passed by, with no one uttering anything. "fine. let's do it." yerim stood up, raising her chin. the pink haired girl squealed with excitement. but she stopped in her tracks. "under one conditio-"

[memory buffering...]

[attempting to reload...]

[attempt to reload: FAILED.]


yerim inhaled sharply as she heard the younger calling out her name. "are you.. okay?" yeojin asked as she rubbed the back of her neck. yerim noticed the odd expression in yeojin's face. it was unreadable. it seemed like she was worried and anxious at the same time. she snapped out her thoughts as she saw the younger pull out a plastic bag from behind her back.

oh no.. and from inside it, she pulled out a vial with purple, see-through liquid swirling inside it. yeojin pointed at the label. "to prevent transformation from human to residers..?" yerim was about to talk, but was cut off by yeojin once again as she tilted the plastic bag and more vials came tumbling to the floor. all were filled with weird looking liquid inside them. and all were labelled.

"what are all of these..?" yeojin breathed out as she felt her vision getting blurry because of the tears forming. "what's a resider?" she asked once again. yerim stayed silent as she glanced at the scattered vials on the floor. "yeoji-" yerim didn't get to complete her sentence as they both heard a 'boom' from far away. "WAS THAT AN EXPLOSION?!" "yeojin, stay calm, i'll check." yerim clenched her jaw as she gazed outside the window.

she deeply inhaled as she saw a column of thick smoke arising from one of the nearby buildings. she knew exactly what was going on. she let the curtains fall back to place and turned back to yeojin. she felt her heart melting when she saw the younger curled up on the floor, hugging her knees tightly. she muttered shaky words to herself as she tried to stop herself from letting her tears fall. yerim stepped towards yeojin and just wrapped her arms around the latter.

she guided the younger's head to her shoulder and gently stroked her hair. "don't worry, i'll keep you safe. nothing's wrong." it took a while, but yerim definitely felt yeojin hugging her back tightly. she felt her gripping onto her sweater for dear life. loud banging on the front door interrupted their moment. "stay put." yerim ordered yeojin as she headed towards a wooden cupboard in the corner. yeojin was shocked to see her pull out a gun out of it.

with the gun locked and loaded in her hand, yerim cautiously approached the front door downstairs. "yerim, it's me!" a voice called out from the other side, followed by a series of banging. "sooyoung?" yerim muttered to herself as she slowly pushed the door open. from the creak of the door she could clearly see the redhead standing there, staring at her. "what are you doing here?"

"i- um.. i heard an explosion, so i came back to check on you." she replied, trying to seem as calm as she should. yerim lowered her gun and invited sooyoung inside. she was about to close the door, but was stopped by another voice yelling from the sidewalk. "DON'T LET IT IN!" yerim caught a (VERY familiar) pink haired girl running towards her. before she could even comprehend what was happening, the pink haired girl had stabbed something behind yerim.

startled, the brunette turned around to see a resider, clutching at the knife the pink haired girl had just stabbed into her chest. it  hissed and snarled before reducing into a pile of gooey slime. yerim heard a sigh from behind her and turned back to see the pink haired girl staring at her. "i see you still need help, my dear friend." "jungeun!" yerim exclaimed as she tackled the girl into a huge, bear hug. jungeun chuckled. "it's good to see you too."

"pleasantries aside, we should really get into what's going on right now." jungeun whispered as she pulled away. "it HAS to be them." yerim pointedly stared at nothing in particular as those words left her mouth. "you're right, it is them. they've come in search for the gerx." jungeun replied, making yerim look at her. "but.. we don't even know-" "information has it that they've already FOUND the human gerx. they're coming to capture that human before you."

"but this isn't some kind of a race! we have to make the gerx-" yerim was cut off as she heard glass shattering upstairs, followed by a series of lasers zapping. "yeojin." yerim muttered sharply as she raced upstairs, jungeun quick on her tail. she was shocked to find the wide windows all shattered down to a pile of glass, but yeojin was still nowhere in sight. "yeojin?" no answer. "jin-ah, where are you..?"

yerim stopped in her tracks when she heard whimpering from behind the kitchen counter. she cautiously approached the counter, jungeun right behind her, aiming her gun. the brunette saw the younger curled up on the floor, her back resting on the counter as she let her tears fall. "i-i'm scared, unnie.." she choked on her tears when she saw yerim. she didn't hesitate and just wrapped her arms around a shaking yeojin.

"are you sure that she is not indeed a resider?" jungeun sternly asked as she aimed at yeojin's small figure. yerim glared at the pink haired girl and pushed her gun away. "she's yeojin. she's my girlfriend. i don't care if she's one of them." "see, your carelessness is one of the reasons why vivi is in the condition she's in right now." between yeojin's quiet sobs and jungeun's harsh words, yerim got really tensed up. she ignored the words of jungeun and just continued patting and comforting the younger.

yerim and yeojin both stayed in that position for a while. when the older noticed that yeojin's sobs started to subside, she slightly pulled away. "are you feeling better no-" she didn't get to finish her sentence when she found yeojin in her arms, lifeless. "yeojin?" yerim called out to her countless of times, but it didn't seem she was waking up anytime soon. "wait, stop!" jungeun yelled out. "now's not the time for games junge-" "behind her neck." she breathed out. yerim's hand slowly trailed to the back of her neck.

her breath hitched when she felt blood on her fingertips. she let yeojin's head rest on her shoulder and took a look at the new formed wound. she could barely see what it was because of her glassy vision. "they tagged her." jungeun said as she took a closer look at the wound. "but-" yerim stopped when something snapped in her thoughts. she laid yeojin flat on the floor and hurried back to where the vials were all scattered on the floor. "where the fuck is it.." yerim muttered to herself as she went through the vials really quickly.

as soon as she found the vial with the label "TAGGED", she grabbed it and paced across the room to where yeojin was. "do you have a syringe on you?" jungeun quickly pulled out one out of her coat and handed it to the panicking younger. she injected the liquid into yeojin hoping that it'll work. "please work, please work, please work.." yerim clutched onto the syringe as hard as she could as she waited for yeojin to wake up.

yerim hopelessly sat down on the floor, yeojin's small figure seated on her lap. just as they were starting to lose hope, yeojin coughed out blood as she stirred in yerim's arms. the older tightened her arms around yeojin as she stared at her worriedly. "i'm.. sorry.. about your sweater.." yeojin said amidst the coughing as she gestured at yerim's grey sweater which was now stained with blood. yerim just chuckled as she hugged the younger.

"sorry to interrupt the happy news, but we have to get going, like right now." jungeun said, making the both pull away from the hug. "did they try to contact you?" she added, making yerim nod hesitantly. "last week. kim jiwoo."




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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