1 - rain (i)

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yeojin was writing on her desk one perfectly fine day. until she looked up at.. the readers..?

"hey you! yes you! you're the one who's reading this! how dare you not buy me a frog plushi-"

okay, thank you yeojin.

"hey wait i'm still talk-"

how about we tell the readers about your story with yerim?

"me and yerim unnie? oh that's a loooong one."

exactly. we can only finish early if we start now.

"oh you're right. go ahead then, author!"

great, thank you. i'll meet you at the subway at 7 tonight, yeah?


back to the announcement day.

"no way, this isn't possible. how are we gonna rehearse in ONE day?" hyeju rambled as she exited the theater with her hand around chaewon's shoulder.

"maybe they're really rushing." yeojin mumbled, staring at the paper she had just been handed to earlier. it had the details about the audition.

"okay, students you may return now!" ms jo yelled out to students and rushed off to her car. "and, it says we're gonna have to perform in pairs." chaewon says, pointing at the black words.

just as yeojin was about to claim chaewon, "chae's mine. sorry not sorry." hyeju said, making yeojin pout. "bye bye, shortie!" hyeju waved as exited, chaewon following her.

great! she had to look for a partner on her own. yeojin hated working with others since she has had experience with terrible teammates.

quite a few had already found their partners. as yeojin was looking around she saw a girl with long, black hair standing at a corner, clutching a paper in her hands.

she had a scarf wrapped around her neck. it was covering half of her face. yeojin found it cute. she strided up to her and said hi.

the girl shyly waved back. "are you in the drama club too?" yeojin asked to which the girl nodded. "i'm yeojin!" she extended her hand. the girl just awkwardly stared at yeojin's hand.

"i-i'm jiwoo.." she quietly muttered, but it was still loud enough for yeojin to hear. "wanna be partners?" she asked with a wide smile.

jiwoo stared at yeojin for a while before nodding slowly. "great! when are you free to practice?"


the two decided to practice at a library. they found a really secluded place and started scrolling through their phones. "i think comedy plays have more impact on the judges, don't you think?" jiwoo nodded to yeojin's statement and continued searching for plays on the internet.

"i have a really cool play in my mind! you know 'noises off'?" yeojin asks, making jiwoo shake her head. "how could you not?! it's a classic play!"

yeojin showed the shy girl about the play they were about to practice. "are you okay with this choice, or do you have any other plays in mind?" "not really.. i'm fine with this it looks fun!"

yeojin showed the girl the script of 'noises off'. "oh oh OH! this one this one!" jiwoo pointed at a part. "this is a really funny part! how about you be gary and i'll be lloyd?" jiwoo nodded.


"thank you for today, yeojin. i hope we do well tomorrow." jiwoo smiles, grabbing her backpack. "no problem! we got this! fighting!" jiwoo chuckled at the shortie's enthusiasm and went her own way.

shit i forgot to ask for her number! just as yeojin was about to run after jiwoo, a particular shop across the road caught her eye.

choi sunshine florist.

"yerim.." yeojin mumbled, with stars in her eyes. she was about to run over to the building when it started raining. heavily.

yeojin pulled out a book from her back and held it above her head. she prepared herself and ran across the road towards the shop.

even when she had the book on top of her head, she somehow got herself wet. yeojin dashed into the shop, soaking. "hey, are you fine..?"

yeojin stopped when she heard a particular voice behind her. yerim. "yeah, i-i'm fine!" yeojin turned around, shivering.

"hey it's you from earlier!" yerim giggled, looking at a soaked yeojin. "so, did your teacher like the bouquet?" yerim asked, making yeojin hum a 'mhm'.

"great, i'm glad! now come on." the dark haired girl called out to yeojin, making her confused. "do you wanna keep standing there in those.. damp clothes..?"


"thank you so much for this.. overly sized hoodie." yeojin said, smoothening the hoodie. "you look so small in it!" yerim giggled from the counter.

"am not!" she yelled back with a pout, earning a chuckle from yerim. a few moments went by and the two didn't converse.

yerim was working on the cash register, while yeojin was rehearsing her lines tomorrow for the audition. she would ocassionally glance at yerim to take in her beauty.

the girl simply tying up her hair into a ponytail would mesmerize yeojin. she wondered how someone could be this.. perfect.

"oh, you know 'noises off'?" yeojin jumped when she heard a voice behind her. wasn't she just working at the cash register??

"yeah.." yeojin mumbled as she stared at yerim to take a closer look. the girl's side profile was so crazy.. yeojin's lips were only inches away from yerim's cheek.

"this is such a funny play! are you rehearsing perhaps?" yerim asked, making the shorter girl nod. "oh, i can help you.. if you want!"

"really? you have experience being in a play?" yerim nodded to yeojin's question. "so what part are you playing?" yeojin barely heard yerim's question because of the rain.

"this one. i actually have a partner. she's playing gary and i'm playing lloyd." she said, making yerim nod. "okay then! i'll be gary."


"thank you so much! i didn't know i had so many things to brush up before the audition tomorrow.." yeojin muttered, her head hung low.

she wasn't really bad at acting, but she wasn't that good either. thankfully, because of yerim, she got to learn more about expressions and stuff. it looked like yerim had more experience than she did.

"don't worry. i know you'll nail it, kid!" yerim said, patting her shoulder. yeojin blushed but quickly cleared her throat to hide it.

"the rain still doesn't seem to stop.." yerim gazed out to see people running into the nearest buildings they could see. she then turned to yeojin to see the poor girl shivering.

she didn't say anything and just wrapped her jacket around the small figure. yeojin looked up to her making the girl smile.

"i know you're cold." she said, making yeojin blush for the 7th time today. the two just sat in silence for a few minutes, but the rain didn't seem to quiet down.

"hey, how about i teach you some more about performing?" yerim suggested, making yeojin look at her. "i mean.. if it's not too much of a hassle.. sure!"

"great!" yeojin stood up and dug into her bag for the 'noises off' script. she got stopped by yerim. "let's not do a comedy play this time.." yerim paused.

"how about romance?" she continued.



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