7 - blood

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she threw up blood.

"stop! STOP!" yeojin could feel haseul rushing to her. her knees felt weak and she slowly fell onto the wooden floor. "yeojin, are you okay??" sunwoo.

"yeah.. yeah.. i'm fine! don't worry..!" yeojin answered, groaning. "let's.. let's just clean this up and get back to the play, yeah?" she said, trying to stand up. but her legs betrayed her when she fell back onto the ground.

"no, you're in no condition to perfor-" "ARGHH!" haseul's voice got cut off by yeojin's ear piercing scream. it was as if someone was stabbing her continously in the abdomen.

"jinsoul! 911, RIGHT NOW!" "ms jo, i'm f-fine!" yeojin tried her best to talk loudly. "don't strain yourself too much, or you'll end up throwing up again."

"b-but ms jo-" "YEOJIN ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" yeojin stopped protesting when she heard haseul's voice echoing through the theatre.

"i'm s-sorry.." her voice came out as a whimper.


yeojin was currently laying in a hospital bed, waiting for haseul to come back. she was meeting with the doctor to look at yeojin's diagnosis.

"m-my phone!" yeojin whispered yelled as she felt her pockets empty. she was about to search furthermore, but stopped when she heard shoes clacking towards her bed.

"ms jo-" "just call me haseul, yeojin." she said as she took a seat beside yeojin's bed. "haseul.." yeojin started, tearing up. "i'm sorry.. i keep ruining everything.." she continued, whimpering.

haseul felt bad for the girl. "no.. don't say that yeojin.." she wiped yeojin's tears. "don't you have relatives..?" haseul asked, making yeojin shake her head.

"haseul, you know that i don't have anyone.. even my parents.." yeojin trailed off sobbing, making haseul frown. "don't worry yeojin. you have me.

i'm your sister from now on. how about that?" haseul asked, firmly gripping the younger's hand. "really? you're not gonna leave me like my parents did?" yeojin asked, her eyes glossy.

"i won't. i promise." she said, tightening her grip on yeojin's hand. "thank you." she whispered with a smile.

the two were silent for a moment before haseul spoke up. "by the way, have you eaten anything out of the usual these past few days..?" she asked out of nowhere, making yeojin think for a while.

"not.. reall- oh wait! that seafood with jiwoo unnie!" yeojin said, making haseul's ears perk up. "what did you eat?" "a bowl of nakji bokkeum."

"that's nothing out of the usual though.." haseul mumbled, but it was loud enough for yeojin to hear. "doctor suspects that it's food poisoning." "that's the restaurant i often visit, so there's no way that food and me vomiting blood has connection."

"that store also has a 5 star cleanliness certificate from the government." yeojin added. "then what went wrong here..?"


2 days since the food poisoning (?) incident. yeojin sat down at her usual spot at the theatre. she looked up at how sunwoo and jiwoo were performing on stage.

how did jiwoo get that role? well, since the incident, haseul didn't want yeojin to perform. the person who auditioned with yeojin was jiwoo, so haseul thought it would be perfect if jiwoo filled in for yeojin.

yeojin does look a bit paler than before and she looks frustrated and stressed almost all the time now. probably because of how she lost the role and her health.

don't get me wrong, yeojin doesn't hate jiwoo or anything. she just hates how her hard work just went down the drain like that because of a stupid disease.

oh and, did i mention that the fund raising play is getting held tomorrow?

"hey, yeojin!" "hi." she replied simply, not caring to look at the person beside. "come on, look at me im yeojin." she obeyed and slightly glanced at chaewon beside her.

"what?" "are you okay now?" chaewon asked, making yeojin reply a "yes" dryly. chaewon sighed. "by the way, why aren't you picking up my calls?"

that's when it hit yeojin. she was too occupied for the past two days, that she forgot about her phone. she rushed to the lost and found backstage, not bothering to bid chaewon.

she knelt beside the box and dug into it hoping to find her green phone. a wave of relief washed over her as she saw the same ruined case of her phone.

she turned the phone around to reveal a cracked screen. usually the normal yeojin would've threw a tantrum about it, but she didn't feel anything more.

yeojin just took the phone and pushed it into her pocket. she would replace her screen later on when she was on her way home.


"haseul, i'm.. really depressed. you know how i hard i worked for the role." yeojin breathed out. "i know, yeojin. but considering your health.. i can't let you perform!"

"just.. bye." she muttered lowly, before exiting the theater. she clutched her phone in her hands and walked to the nearest phone repair shop.


the entrance bell rang as yeojin made her way into the shop. "hello! welcome to-" "just want to get this screen repaired." she bluntly said, making the employee nod nervously.

he got into work, fixing yeojin's tarnished phone screen. (i'm not sure what the process is, but you understand, no?) "here you go, thank you so m-"

"what's the price?" "3-30000 won.." yeojin placed the cash on the counter and walked out of the store, holding her phone. she noticed that her frog cover was gone.

she walked back into the store and, "welcome-" "where the hell's my phone case?" she asked, eyebrows furrowed. "i-it was ruined.. so i-i thought.." he stuttered.

"you don't get to throw away what's mine." the employee understood what yeojin meant and nervously dug into the trash bin for yeojin's case.

as he handed yeojin her case, she could see dirt and brownish colors stained on it. she just sighed and got out of the store. for good now.

she put the case back onto her phone. it's my cover. the cover yerim loved. it had been over 2 days since she contacted the older girl. she missed her sweet voice.



/ yeojin's love-o-meter decreased by 20 percent! 80 percent more to reach 'confession point'! \

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