9 - the play

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"..i trusted her so much, ms jo-" "HASEUL!" "right- haseul.." haseul wanted the younger to address as haseul and not ms jo anymore. yeojin founded it weird at first, but started going along with it naturally.

"i know you hate her so much right now.. but i can't do anything to exclude her from the play or give the role back to you. i already handed the event brochures to the sponsors. it has jiwoo's and sunwoo's name on it."

yeojin sighed, her shoulders slumping. "hey, i know you were really looking forward to it.. even if you don't play any roles in the play, you're still coming to london with us." haseul said, making the younger girl look at her.

"w-what?" "there's no way i'm excluding you yeojin! now get backstage! we need people to control the lighting. details are on the paper pasted beside the controls." haseul said.

patting the girl's head one last time, haseul disappeared into the red velvet curtains. yeojin peeked out slightly as usual and saw quite a lot of people filling in the theater.

the ones at the front rows might be the sponsors, considering the grand and extravagant outfits they wore. yeojin let the curtains fall back into place and went to the dressing room.

"hyeju! chaewon!" she went up to the two and hugged them tightly as she could. "woah, easy there, bean! the costumes are gonna get creased!"

"seeing that cute smile, i'm assuming that you're back to normal?" chaewon asked with a smile, making the shorter nod. "back to normal? what happened?" hyeju looked between the two, confused.

"it's.. a long story. i'll tell you another time maybe." she said, making chaewon chuckle. "you guys look really pretty!" they weren't doing a fantasy play, they were doing a high-school comedy play.

the costumes looked so simple yet pretty! yeojin looked over hyeju's shoulder to see jiwoo correcting herself in the mirror. she smiled when she saw how perfectly the denim hugged jiwoo's body.

she doesn't hate jiwoo for what she did. she just wanted to be away from the older for a a few days to take in everything that had happened.

while she didn't feel any hate, that still didn't mean that she trusted jiwoo like before. yeojin still wanted to keep her distance from the older.

'that could've been me..' yeojin thought to herself. 'i still wonder why jiwoo did that. would someone do that just to grab a lead role? certainly doesn't seem like it.'

"students, come on, gather outside!" haseul's loud voice snapped yeojin out of her thoughts. the students went outside and gathered around their teacher.

"alright students. this is our only shot to getting to london. i want everyone to cooperate and do what we rehearsed, okay? we can do this kids, fighting!" haseul cheered, making the students hyped.

"okay, group A, chaewon, jiwoo, xiening, jinsoul and yuqi, to the other side of the stage please!" the students broke out of the circle and the mentioned students went to take their place.

hyeju placed a sweet kiss on chaewon's cheek making her giggle. she returned it and quickly followed her co-actor, xiening. "yeojin, wear this, and your position at the controls." haseul pointed at the space beside the curtains while handing her an earpiece.

"i trust you, kid. i know you got this." haseul hugged yeojin, making the younger girl freeze for a second. she's never seen her teacher like this before.

haseul pulled away and cleared her throat. "don't expect something like this after this play.. and DON'T. TELL. ANYONE. ABOUT. IT." she whispered near yeojin's ear, making her nod nervously.

"good luck." haseul said, following group A to the other side. yeojin heard her earpiece crackle to life. "yeojin, lights off." the younger nodded and quickly switched the stage lights off.

"once chaewon enters, spotlight following her." got it. a few seconds later, chaewon made her appearance. yeojin quickly pushed a few buttons to make the spotlight appear.

yeojin felt slightly relieved when she heard chaewon talk her first dialogue. there was a small opening in the curtains allowing her to glance outside.

she stopped when she saw a particular dark-haired girl sitting outside. "that.. that has to be yerim!" she exclaimed to herself. she was this close to running right to her unnie, but haseul's voice didn't let her.


she whispered a quick 'sorry' into the earpiece and did as haseul instructed. i can meet her after the play..


"until now, this has been hanlim high, thank you!" the whole crew, including the set builder, the costume designers, the make-up artists bowed down in front of the crowd, making everyone clap.

a few of the parents even stood up. yeojin smiled when she saw a particular face in the crowd. how her eyes turned into cresents when she smiled..

haseul ushered yeojin and the students backstage. once the curtains were fully down, "okay.. i think yall did.. pretty good! considering the reactions." a smile appeared on haseul's face.

"thank you so much everyone! you may start packing up. results may roll in tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow at most." haseul said, making the students nod.

"okay, what're you waiting for? don't you guys have dates to get to?" the students groaned as they went to their costume rooms.

"you did well too, yeojin." haseul stated, making yeojin smile and jump around. "AN ACTUAL COMPLIMENT FROM MS JO- FUCK I MEAN, HASEUL!!"

"im yeojin! language!" haseul stopped when she heard someone speak into her earpiece. "someone wants to see you at the other side of the backstage."

"oh, really?" yeojin asked, peeking through the curtains while removing her in-ear. "you want me to come along?" "no, you go handle the students. i'll be back."

haseul nodded and walked towards the costume room, making yeojin rush over to the other side of the room.


"yeojinie!" yeojin smiled when she saw a familiar face standing at the end of the stage. "yerim-unnie!" the younger girl exclaimed as she buried herself in yerim's arms.

"haha, good to see you too!" she planted a kiss on yeojin's forehead. "can you take a break for a while?" yerim asked, pulling away.

she held up a coffee holder which had two coffees in it. "of course! i'll just tell haseul and be back!" yeojin was about to find haseul when she remembered that the backdoor was at the other side.

"actually.. you gotta come.. the door's at the other side." "let's go then!" yeojin grabbed yerim's hand and brought her to the other side, backstage.

yeojin gave yerim a small tour of the backstage, while walking towards the other side. "that's the control panel! i worked there earlier!" yeojin pointed, making yerim form an 'o' with her mouth.

yeojin knocked on the costume door a little and peeked in to see the students packing their stuff. "haseul? can you come here for a while?"

haseul nodded and made her way to the shorter girl. she eyed the girl behind yeojin. "haseul, can i take a break for a while?" 'please don't say no..' yeojin mouthed, practically begging.

haseul raised an eyebrow at yerim. "be back in 5." she said, making yeojin nod with a smile. "let's go unnie!" yeojin brought yerim along with her outside.



/ yeojin's love-o-meter increased by 10 percent! 50 percent more to reach 'confession point'! yeojin's halfway there! \

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