jungkook the lost puppy

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"Noona? Noona, where are you?" He searched high and low for me everywhere right after entering the room. But doesn't knew that I was down in the basement.

"Jungkook, come on! We're getting late." Namjoon came and found him worrying a little.

"Hyung, I can't find noona anywhere." The little one was slightly terrifying.

"She would be with the others in the ride. Come on!" Namjoon pulled the worried little one and they later left for the beach.

Whereas, I was still stuck in the basement. "Guys? Someone, help me!! Get me out of here."

My energy, mind, body yet everything was null as it has been three hours already that I was stuck here.

Everyone at the beach was having fun and all. Seven hot, chiseled, glimmering bodies running around with some girls under that sunlight. A clearly fun yet also a sinful show for the girls surely.

Even though the manly little one was showing off his beautifully crusted abs and toned body, but that little sadness was bothering him slightly.

He must be clearly missing me.

"Jungkookie oppa, you okay? You look lost." Ruki, one of my best friend, asked the lad who literally looked like a lost puppy at the moment.

"Oh no! I'm fine." He definitely wasn't. "I was just wondering where is noona? I .... don't see her anywhere."

"She must be with the others." Ruki smiled and he nodded with a hum. Later they went to join the others.

Even going back home that jungkook seemed slightly worried. Correction. Hell worried.

Apparently, taehyung also hid my phone somewhere to make the situation obvious that I'd be really gone somewhere.

"Taehyung, where is she?" Jungkook brawled at him. They were now in their nightwears.

"Who?" Taehyung played well with the act.

"You had problems with noona last time!! Where is she?!" Jungkook raised his mad vocals at him.

"Why are you yelling at me?! She was your manager! You would be knowing about her." Taehyung lashed back with harshness and there went a verbal fight between them.

"You literally had problems with her from the first place, taehyung!! Don't blame me!"

"You don't blame me! She must have gone to some of her friend here in Korea?" Taehyung scoffed being annoyed.

"Taehyung, these girls are our responsibity too! Besides, she doesn't know anyone in Korea."

Taehyung ignored him and straight went to his room upstairs. "You're being rubbish, jungkook."

"And you're being jealous. Since, she takes good care of me." That surely made taehyung fist his hand and blow his chest when he twirled back.

"Anyone here from these other girls can take care of you." The elder one gritted his teeth over me being the amazing caretaker of their little one.

That sentence of taehyung surely shone the eyes of other of my friends. When they really wanted to be with the hot youngest one.

But too bad that they were way younger that him. Probably an age gap of three to four years.

"Not anyone." Jungkook barked back. "Noona is different. I know you have done something to her. Where is she?"

"You're being pathetic. Find her yourself and let me know when you succeed."

Jungkook was mad partially, he was still doubtful if taehyung really did that or not. Madness was pushed back by anxiety at the moment when they searched for me in the whole building.

Surely taehyung too pretended like searching.

"Someone, get me out of here." My breaths were almost losing. My heart was thumping wildly. I was dead scared by that creepy darkness and silence of the place.

"Not at the roof." Jimin halted down with pants and mentioned.

"Not in the garage, pool or kitchen." Suga, seokjin and taehyung collected their breaths.

"Not even in the rooms. I searched everywhere." Jungkook worriedly shook his head while holding his forehead. Forfeit to me. "Where's hobi hyung?"

"He's at the gym with the other staff." Namjoon said and in lightening speed that jungkook sprinted from there.

"Look over there. Search out the whole area. Even the store room." Hobi ordered the men with himself.

I heard some noises breaching my ears. Thank goodness. It's been whole fucking day.

"There you are!" Hobi finally opened the deadly door of hell where I was trapped from past eight hours, and I thanked God right there.

"Hobi-ssi!" I immediately stood up and left that horrible room. Just when I turned to my left, there came my boy. Being worried to hell.


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