A male anthro pig walks by and Eric swipes a pair of sunglasses from the top of his head without him noticing.

Eric: Now, I can already tell what you are thinking. "Eric, why are you doing these things? I thought your dad and mom would teach you how to be a good guy". Well for your information, they did, but now I know who my dad really was. The way I see it, I'm just honoring his legacy and somebody has got to keep up the tradition. Oh! Before you ask, no. My mom does not know that I'm doing this. She may be a fox of many tricks, but there are somethings that not even she could fool me with. Her little act of constantly telling me that I am a good guy may have worked when I was younger, but not anymore. Whether she likes it or not, I was meant to be bad. Besides...

With a flick of his wrist, he opens up the sunglasses and places them on his face.

Eric: It feels so good to be the bad guy.

He leaves the viewer and heads down an alleyway. He approaches and climbs a ladder which is attached to a five-story building. Once reaching the rooftop he notices his friends/teammates just chilling out. Gomek, the female crocodile. Kyle, the male raven. Natalia, the female leopard. Finally, Percy, the male white rabbit.

Eric: Sorry to keep you waiting guys. I got a little sidetracked, but to make up for it I got you all some treats.

Gomek: Oh sweet! Girl scout cookies! I haven't had these in forever!

Kyle: You better have gotten the shortbread kind for me this time.

Eric: It was only one time that I forgot Kyle. You don't need to keep bringing it up, but yes, I got them for you.

He tosses the right box over to Kyle. Eric proceeds to toss the other boxes over to his friends.

Eric: For Gomek, Carmel deLites.

Gomek: Yes! I am going to tear through these babies!

Eric: Percy, your Peanut Butter Patties.

Percy: Ah! Delicious peanut buttery goodness and they are all for me.

Eric: Here are your Thin Mints, Natalia.

Natalia: Thanks, Eric.

Eric: And for me. Carmel Chocolate Chip.

The five animals sit in a circle close to each other.

Eric: Alright, let get to the real reason why we are all here. We are doing this heist tonight, right? Nobody is chickening out. If so, you better speak up now.

Natalia: No, I am more than ready to do this.

Kyle: Same goes for me.

Percy: Hey, if Big Al wants us to do this tonight, then who am I to argue. I believe we have a fool-proof plan to pull this off.

Gomek: Mm Hmm.

Gomek was already stuffing her mouth with the cookies, but it was clear that she agreed with the others. Eric smiled.

Eric: Good. Let's go over the plan one more time. Percy.

Percy nods and pulls out his laptop. He opens it up and types for a few seconds. He then positions it so that everybody can see what is on the screen. It was the 3-D model of a twenty story building and the item that they were going to steal. It was a sliver chained necklace embroidered with sapphires. The pendant was in the shape of a raccoon's head. The eyes were blue 24 karat diamonds. The black parts of it were made out of obsidian. The white part was made from a white pearl.

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