
  Fei went out for a trip and came back with a wooden sheep.

  Seeing Mu Yang coming back, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Slowly speaking, he was the grandson of the old patriarch, and he was an ordinary ethnic group, so he couldn't be lost like that.

  After Mu Yang came back, his whole person changed. He was no longer depressed as he used to be. He first ran to Wu Mo, saying that he wanted to apologize to the patriarch and should not get lost when he went out. Wu Mo naturally wouldn't blame him, and seeing that his words were extremely sincere, he would not pursue it any longer, but only told him to follow Uncle Eleven to do things well, and Mu Yang agreed in a loud voice.

  Duohui was the happiest when Muyang came back. She is also this son, the son is back, and her words are much more sensible than before, she is more gratified than anyone else.

  The wooden sheep that came back joined the team to reclaim the wasteland. Now that the wasteland has been reclaimed, the soil has been loosened, and the next step is to irrigate. In the past, the people of the famous family depended on the sky for their food. If it rains, they will have a good harvest. If it does not rain, they will have a small harvest. No one will be tempted by this. But now Pinellia and Wumo are discussing, every time spring water flows down the ravines on the mountain, can the spring water be used to irrigate the land?

  Wu Mo's vision gradually recovered. After listening to Ban Xia's words, he was very inspired and observed the terrain in the mountains every day. A few days later, he drew a pattern and asked everyone to build a canal according to this pattern to draw water from the mountains to water the land.

  The people in the clan have never done this kind of thing before. After listening to the arrangements of the clan, they responded one after another. After the reclamation of the wasteland, the digging of the canals became a major event in the clan. When he was busy with the fields, he naturally assigned manpower to defend the temple.

  However, it is strange to say that although there are quite a few foreigners outside the prominent family, but none of them are provocative. This unusual calm made Wu Mo even more uneasy. When he talked about this with Banxia at night, he had an ominous premonition, and he always felt that a bigger bào storm was waiting behind him.

  Pinellia also felt that there was something unusual about it, but what were those scoundrels thinking? Maybe they didn't dare to swarm up and really go to the temple. After all, the noble family is an extremely mysterious existence in the eyes of foreigners, so they are also afraid? Because they are afraid, they act cautiously. Maybe they are looking for a breakthrough, a most suitable opportunity to get off?

  Banxia couldn't figure out why, so she could only make Wumo be more careful, so as not to be exploited.

  After Muyang came back this time, his whole person changed a lot, and he began to fight to live in the field. Occasionally, when everyone was resting, he would just sit on the ground and watch a few babies crawling on the ground to play with it.

  As for the honeysuckle, she couldn't think of anything about this man anymore, she didn't see it when she saw it. Sometimes when she saw him staring at Shi Dan'er, she would go over and hug him, not letting him see it.

  Although others say that the wooden sheep has changed, she doesn't believe it. She still remembers the feeling of that man rubbing salt on her wound.

  Although Er Duzi looks thick, he is thick and thin. He also sees that his wife doesn't like his ex-husband, so he strode over to take Shidan's teasing, pinched his little cheek, and lifted him up High, and even let him ride on his neck.

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