Untitled Part 8

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  Seeing that the tree was about to fall, Qinshou just blocked the way for the two of them, and hurriedly pulled Ban Xia and said, "Let's take a detour, this person is scary!"

  Hearing him say this, Banxia felt a little displeased: "It's all human, how can it be scary?"

  Qinshou hurriedly shrugged at her: "It's not that you don't know, he is an ominous person! Besides, you can see that he is so tall and strong, and he doesn't wear any clothes in such a cold day. That's a savage! Let's take a detour."

  When Banxia heard this, she felt so distressed that she was angry, and said angrily, "If you want to go, you go, I won't go, I still have to pick up fruit!"

  Qin Shou was reluctant to part with Pinellia, and was afraid of Wu Mo, so he hesitated for a long time, and finally said, "You really won't leave? Then I can leave first."

  Looking at Qinshou's rush to escape, Banxia wanted to laugh, look at the man who ran away, and then look at Wumo, who is simply the difference between a domesticated bird and a wild láng running in the wild.

  Qin Shou left, Wu Mo did not cut down trees anymore, he only leaned against the fallen tree with an axe in one hand, a dog with a rough tail that didn't know where it came from in his mouth, and looked at it meaningfully. Pinellia.

  Seeing this, Banxia smiled and found a handkerchief made of wild hemp from the bamboo basket and handed it to Wumo.

  Wu Mo looked at Ban Xia's smiling face, but he didn't dare to look directly at him for a while, and didn't take the handkerchief, he turned his head to look at the tree gān next to him.

  Banxia's face was also a little hot. After all, there was a man who was topless in the big winter standing opposite, and his smooth and thick chest still exuded the firepower of a man.

  Seeing Wumo, he looked at himself, and Banxia couldn't wait any longer. He threw the handkerchief at Wumo and whispered, "Do you like it, I'm leaving."

  After saying that, he turned his head and ran away.

  Unexpectedly, Wu Mo suddenly stretched out a big hand and grabbed her arm, staring at her with fiery eyes.

  chapter eight

  Unexpectedly, Wu Mo suddenly stretched out a big hand and grabbed her arm, staring at her with fiery eyes.

  She only felt that her face was so hot that she had to lower her head not to look at him, but her eyes just fell on his bare chest, where a drop of crystal sweat was flowing down his smooth texture, and finally flowed to the The hemp rope belt tied to the sheepskin trousers disappeared...

  She was confused and complained in a low voice, "You don't wear clothes on such a cold day!"

  Wu Mo didn't care about wearing clothes or not, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Just now... is that person just now your beloved?"

  Banxia shook her head gently and whispered, "No..." Banxia looked down at her wrist.

  His wrist was tightly held by his big hand, and it seemed a little slender and fair. She tried to pull it back, but she couldn't. His hands were iron pliers, and he couldn't let go.

  Wu Mo swallowed hard to moisten his gān throat, his resolute face turned red, and he stuttered a bit: "The one who helped you hoe the ground a few days ago...is the one you love?"

  Banxia shook her head again, plucked up her courage and raised her head, her cheeks were blushing, and she whispered, "No..."

  Banxia lowered her head again, thinking nervously, what will he ask next, who is his beloved? How should I answer myself? Say it's you? Would that be too sudden? Pinellia was in a mess, not knowing what to do.

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