Chapter 24

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     She had rejected him, but all she wanted was to make sure he was okay. She will leave this place as soon as everything is settled. She attempts to smell him out and is immediately overcome by the pungent scent of blood and gunpowder. Her head felt heavy, and everything seemed to be happening so fast. She hopes in desperation that he wasn't any of these people that were already lying dead cold on the ground. 

     "Rory!" They were approached by a man who was lying on the ground nearby clutching his bloody arm shouting, "Alpha Mason went that way." He points to what used to look like a beautiful forest that's now gloomy.

     Leaving Rory and the others behind, Sarah takes off running in the direction the stranger had indicated. She was preoccupied with wondering if he was alright. Twigs and the crunching of leaves beneath her heavy feet can be heard. The stench of blood and gunpowder began to fade, she searched for Mason's scent, no matter how faint it might have been.

     'There' Aislinn said, 'Over there."

     Sarah comes to a stop gradually. Before reaching the ground, the sun's rays passed through the tree's leaves and branches. A large open area could be found in the center, but huge trees towered over it at the top. Moving past trees after trees, Mason's back came into view. His shirt was slightly torn coated in blood. His arms were covered with dark red streaks. Some were dry, some were still dripping lightly from his arm. A pair of hands snake its way around his waist clenching onto him. Already knowing who it belongs to her chest tightens.

     "You promised not to hurt him!" Abby screams, holding onto Mason even tighter.

     "I promised not to hurt him if I had my way with his mate," he smirks before laughing evilly again, "but it did not go as planned." Hearing this, Mason tensed up.

     "What did you do to her?" Mason's face grows darker as he questions.

     "Oh, so you're now curious to know what happened to her?" Rick chuckles, then shakes his head disapprovingly, "but if you must know.." he sighs, "what a disappointment I barely had a taste of her!"

     Mason lowly growls, his fist clenches and unclenches as his nails forces its way out. He takes a deep breath before saying, "What happened between my father and your wife has nothing to do with me."

     "You know," Rick says before continuing, "You are as pathetic as your father. Even now you still don't seem to care enough about your so called mate. Look at how pathetic you damn wolves are! What's the point of having fated mates when all you guys do is fuck with other bitches?" he questioned.

    Mason pushes Abby aside and transforms into his wolf before lunging forward to attack Rick. Rick dodges to the side before drawing his handgun as Mason hits the ground on all fours missing his attack. In his striking stance, he growls loudly before dodging the bullet Rick aimed at him. Sarah watches from the side and she can sense that something was wrong. Mason was moving a lot slower each time he tries to attack. Blood still seems to be dripping non-stop from his last injuries.

    Sarah steps forward, contemplating how she can make herself useful. Another gunshot was fired, and Mason faltered to the ground. In a panic, she leaped in-front, shielding Mason, and everything seemed to flow in slow motion. In an instant, Mason changes into his human form before catching Sarah in his arms and switching their positions. Then gunshots were heard.

     Mason falls to the ground on his knees, clutching Sarah's arms. Her eyes expanded, then swelled with tears threatening to fall. She slowly looks up at Rick, and he can be seen holding up the handgun with one hand. The center of his forehead slowly begins to ooze out bleed and he collapses to the ground. Glancing behind him, she can see a shadow from the trees disappearing out of sight. Abby got up from the other side of them still in shock before making her way towards Sarah. She pushes Sarah away, peeling her apart from Mason before taking him into her arms.

     "This is all your fault!!" Abby screams before looking at Sarah. "He wouldn't be like this if you had just died and disappeared from our sight."

      Abby rose from the ground and pulled out a pocketknife she had stashed away. She moves closer to Sarah, gripping the knife tightly in her palm. Sarah stood motionless for a moment before taking a deep breath. She shuts her eyes and awaits the event before her to happen.

     "This is the end of your story," a voice stated as something splattered over Sarah's face.

     In confusion, Sarah slowly opens her eyes. What she witnessed rendered her stunned. From behind, a hand penetrated Abby's chest. Abby's heart was crushed into a million pieces in the hands of the holder. Abby's mouth gaped open as blood trickled out. She grasps the hand that pierced her chest clumsily. A tear spilled from her eye as she recognized the hand who had pierced her and slowly collapsed onto the ground.

     He approaches Sarah carefully with the last remaining energy he has left before embracing her into his arms. "You must have been scared, huh?" The voice was gentle and weak. "I regret not getting to you sooner. I apologize for not being able to protect you in time. What happened to you was not your fault and you didn't deserve it. With me here now, I will protect you."

     His voice drifted off before collapsing in her arms. Sarah was astonished and unable to speak. She cried out loudly as she realized what had happened. Everything came crashing back down to earth. All of her suppressed emotions seemed to play out in front of her. She trembles and sobs as she clutches the collapsed man in her arms. One she has missed.

A/n: Here's an update for you guys <3 as always thank you for being so patient with this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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