The Fallen Heaven Star//Chapter 82

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Faythe noticed Luffy trail behind and stop on the stairs to stare, "Luffy, what are you doing? We're gonna leave you behind."

Luffy glanced up at her with a dead stare, "But it looks so fun...!!" He paused for a second and then stuck his tongue out like a child, "SINK!"

Sanji snapped and smacked the Captain in the head, "Are you a kid!?"

Usopp and Chopper were climbing on the clouds that sat idly by the stair case, "Hey there seems to be some sort of construction site on the other side!!"

"Oh? What, what?" Chopper crawled up to follow Usopp.

Luffy hurried up to catch up to the group, "Ouch!! I bit my tongue, Sanji—!"

Sanji gritted his teeth and carried onward without a care, "Bite harder!!"

Pagaya tilted his head in thought, "Are you talking about the 'Cloud Cutting Factory'?"

"Cloud Cutting Factory? They aren't cutting rocks?"

Pagaya shook his head with a small laugh, "The Factory cuts the cloud into blocks for versions purposes."

"Clouds can be cut into blocks...?"

"Everything is so illogical."

Faythe just let out a laugh, "I keep saying this but you guys always think that everything must have a reason behind them. We're in the Grandline! Nothing is gonna normal or simple!" 

Pagaya readjusted the carrying basket on his back and continued up the stairs with Zoro beside him. Sanji was trying to make moves on Conis and Robin just trailed behind to observe her surroundings.

Usopp, Luffy, Chopper, and Faythe on the other hand went left field and started climbing up the clouds beside the stairs like children they were.

"To get here to the White-White Sea, didn't you pass through the 'Milky Road'!?"

Zoro narrowed his eyes, "Milky...!? The route that looked like a flat noodle?"

Pagaya nodded, "That is an artificial cloud canal. There are two natural cloud types in this place. The kind you sail your ships on is called 'Sea Cloud.' The fluffy type that you walk on is called 'Island Cloud.'"

Faythe was gliding above her crew mates, getting a better view of the area but she caught some people giving her hawking stares, so she lowered herself closer to the ground to avoid the looks. Luffy was doing a hand stand behind them while Usopp and Chopper chase after Conis' pet fox. Chopper ended up tripping and faceplanting into the island cloud.

Robin thought over the explanation, "But they aren't just normal clouds, right!? You can swim and sail..."

Pagaya picked up her question and gave her further details on the matter, "That's right. This is because the molecular makeup of each cloud is different. On the Blue Sea, I heard that there is a mineral called 'Kairouseki'...."

"The hell is that..." Faythe raised a brow.

"Kairouseki!? It's because of that?" Robin ignored Faythe and asked.

Pagaya nodded, "Yes. That mineral contains a special substance... We call it 'Pyrobloin'... It's a molecular substance that gets ejected into the air by volcanic eruptions. When it comes in contact with water in the air... Sea Clouds and Island Clouds are created."

Captain's Parrot (Oc x One Piece) Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz