Don't Mess with Gregory

Start from the beginning


Meanwhile, Gregory was almost done getting changed. As be was putting his PE shirt on, some kid walked up to him, a kid named Miles, and he said to Gregory, "So, you brought that wolf with you because you think your cooler than everyone?"

Gregory soon got up, and said "No, she insisted she come"

"She insisted? You know what's scary about those robots, is they feel no emotion. That robot feels nothing for you, and it's not like she even can anyway" Miles said.

"You better watch what you say, Miles" Gregory said with a stern look, Miles soon said "You can't hit me, because everyone in the school will hit you back!" Miles said.

"Yeah, talk all you want about how depressed you are, so you can manipulate more to being your friends! Get out of my face" Gregory said, pushing Miles aside as he began making his way to the field. Miles soon glared at Gregory, and said quietly "Oh this kid is so dead..."

Miles had a lot of support at the school because he had depression, or so everyone thinks. Gregory knew Miles was manipulative, and was an asshole to anyone who didn't support him, and he would turn some of the school against them, like he did with Gregory. If there was anyone at the school Gregory could call his "Bette norrioes", it would be this guy.

A few minutes later, Coach Green started taking roll of all the students, and thankfully everyone was accounted for. Coach Green soon said they were gonna play some baseball, and began teaching them in the rules of baseball, and Roxy stood by him and listened to him give out the basic fundamentals of baseball, all while watching Gregory. Soon, Coach blew his whistle and began selecting who gets to be in which team.

In the first round, Gregory was on the running base team. Seems like running away from animatronics trying to kill him payed off, since he was able run all the bases for his team on the first round. Pretty soon, he was called to the benches for break. Gregory sat down in some shade, wiping a towel on his forehead to wipe off some of the sweat. Pretty soon, Miles came over and sat next to Gregory. "You already winded after the first round?"

"Well, it's a tough sport" Gregory said.

"I wouldn't know, since I'm still going!" Miles said, "Probably because you were standing in the back the entire time" Gregory said.

"You already know what I've done to you, you sarcastic bitch" Miles said to Gregory, who responded with "Well I know, and thanks for that, Narcissistic Bitch" before getting up and finding somewhere else to go. Mile's glared at Gregory, and soon said "The thing that pisses me off them most about your is your snarkiness, the only friend you have has no emotion for you"

Gregory just flipped him off as he walked away, and Miles soon got up and followed Gregory and yelled "You are just a momless bitch, you know that?!" This soon got Gregory's attention, and he soon said. "Remember when I kicked your ass 2 years ago? Im not sure you wanna test me again, because I'll fucking make you cry for your mommy!"

The argument soon got everyone's attention. Miles soon approached Gregory, and soon said "Yeah, well atleast I have a mom! A pile of junk doesn't count!"

"And a 6-figure earning neglectful moneybag doesn't count either!" Gregory said.

"At Least I have more money than you do! More than you ever will have!"

"Im rich in other areas!"

"Yeah, in being a poorzie!"

People were looking at Miles in disbelief, it seems they were starting to doubt his claims of him being a depressed kid. After all, depression doesn't make you do things. "You know, Miles, your just so self-centered that you don't have any feelings toward any other person!"

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